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Xavier University of Bonaire

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Hey guys!

Recently I've been looking into going to med school in the Caribbean and I came across a school called Xavier University of Bonaire (very close to, but not the same as the one in Aruba).

I was wondering if anyone has heard of the school/goes to it?


It almost seems too good to be true. Small class sizes. Not too hard to get into. In an area that isn't covered with tourism and distractions.

Right now I'm in my second year of my bachelor's degree and was thinking about switching there, or to another school to finish my degree...

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Don't even think of schools that are less than 15 years old, don't forget that if you go to the Caribbean you are most likely to do your residence in the states and you have to make sure that your school will allow you to be licensed there.

You are still in your 2nd year of a bachelor you said. Why the hurry?

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Well, why wait when I could get into med school somewhere. The sooner I get it out of the way, the sooner I can get a real job and get out of school.

That being said, all schools have to start somewhere, so whats so bad about Bonaire being new?


If getting out of school sooner to get a real job is your priority, you may want to look elsewhere than medicine. o_O Medicine = lots of school, and then self-schooling for the rest of your career (unless your patients don't object to obsolete diagnostic techniques and treatments). Sorry if this sounds rude, but it seems like you have the wrong attitude towards medicine.


And the school does sound sketchy. But that's something a little (or a lot of) research can remedy.

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Well, why wait when I could get into med school somewhere. The sooner I get it out of the way, the sooner I can get a real job and get out of school.

That being said, all schools have to start somewhere, so whats so bad about Bonaire being new?

sure, go ahead. just don't regret it when you're saddled with massive debt and you can't get a residency position because no one recognizes your training at 'xavier university'.


Why not just study medicine at Stewart University while you're at it?


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Hey kalietree, here's my opinion on the whole thing... I know it seems tempting to save years by starting medical school sooner but you should really be careful where you decide to go for medicine, especially the schools in the Caribbean. It seems many schools have been opened there to cater to students who are desperate to get into med and are not looked at in a positive light by the institutions in the US and Canada (which will be a problem when you try to come back: not being able to practise medicine and having to start over is a far lengthier process than taking another one or two years to finish up your bachelor's).


that being said, there are some well established schools in the Carib that can be trusted far more than others. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run to do plenty of research and think carefully about whether this is the route you want to go!


Since I read that you're in 2nd year bachelors, you have plenty of time to make yourself a strong candidate for good medical schools :) I really think that's what you should do! The quality of the education you receive should rank at the top of things you consider ;)


Take courage! Time goes by so fast anyhow, what's another couple of years of undergrad :P

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Theres no real reason to be patronizing unless you have personally gone to that school.

Unless, maybe I'm wrong, did you go to school in Aruba?

Gain massive debt?

Not able to get a residency?

And now you sit on premed forums trying to validate your life?


Aruba? Are you kidding me?


Sounds like a troll. Acts like a troll...gotta be a troll.


Like I said, if you're already sure Xavier University will provide you an amazing MD education and Canada has and only will offer a "pathetic education", then just go. Judging by the intelligence of your replies, I might be in agreement your education has been quite pathetic.

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That being said, the graduate who was answering questions at the end did pose some interesting information. He DID transfer back to Canada and is now at the U of A for his residency, but he did have to write a bunch of exams to get back. He was saying something about how now, the rules for CaRMs are changing and it's possible for an IMG to get placed in the first round.

Any truth to this?


Thing is, if you go to an international medical school (no matter where that is), you will have to go through a bunch of exams to get back. I applied to Ireland this year, and I know they don't have the same medical curriculum as North America so I'd have to study my butt off to do well on those exams! (doing well and getting good LOR's makes life muchmuchmuch easier in the long run :D)


I don't know what is going on with CaRMs right now... maybe someone with more knowlegde could tell us? It is very possible that things will be changing to make coming back as an IMG easier; hehe it would be nice, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that too ;)

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