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How to get to Dartmouth?

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Hey...got an interview invite for DMS but I'm not sure what's the best way to get there? Are there direct flights into NH?


Also, are they really MCAT-based? Or looking more at the whole app? I got a couple of 9's on my MCAT, wondering if they send the invite by accident :o Does anyone know what the interviewing chances approximately are for us Canucks? I know it's REALLY late in the interviewing season but I also heard the waitlist moves quite a bit...? I hope to call tomorrow if these are for waitlist positions only.


Thanks for any responses!

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You can fly into hanover, nh but flying to such small cities is usually expensive. You can also fly into boston and rent a car and take I-93 and then I-89 - takes abt 2-3 hrs. I-93 is congested during rush hours though. Or you can fly into Montreal and drive there but it's a bit longer than driving from boston. There're only a few routes there since it's in the middle of nowhere.


I didn't apply to Dartmouth (b/c I disliked the location) so I don't know how they select applicants. It's a really good school so I doubt they make such mistakes. Good luck.

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Hey meds08,


Congrats on your interview!!! I'm still waiting to hear from them, so I was wondering whether you would be willing to post your stats. Also, could you provide info about when you completed their application, and whether you sent a letter of interest as well? Thanks, I would really appreciate that!

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You might try looking for a flight that goes to Mancester (or even Lebanon). The Mancehster airport is served by US Airways, United Airlines, COMAIR, Business Express, Continental Express, US Airways Express, and United Express. They like to bill themselves as an alternative to flying into Boston. Depending on where you are comming from this might save time, since you would have to transfer in New York/DC/Philedelphia.


I've driven from Ontario as well, which wasn't bad. Personally I love the location. Can't beat the Whites for hiking in New England (or the entire eastern US for that matter).



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Hey...got an interview invite for DMS but I'm not sure what's the best way to get there? Are there direct flights into NH?


Also, are they really MCAT-based? Or looking more at the whole app? I got a couple of 9's on my MCAT, wondering if they send the invite by accident :o Does anyone know what the interviewing chances approximately are for us Canucks? I know it's REALLY late in the interviewing season but I also heard the waitlist moves quite a bit...? I hope to call tomorrow if these are for waitlist positions only.


Thanks for any responses!


I got the feeling DMS is not one of the MCAT-centric schools a la WashU. They are looking for people who they feel will have a good 'fit'. Something in your application caught their attention.


Take the opportunity to stay with a student host (the experience will be better and your bank account will thank you) and visit the facilities! DHMC = super new and nice, libraries (free printing!), gym, etc are top notch.

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