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Retake MCAT?


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From what I understood from the Queen's forum, Queens may have increased their WS cut off to an R.....So if Queens is one of the schools you would really want to attend, this is a factor to consider, but overall you score is pretty good....

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Guest begaster

Don't rewrite. You have an excellent score. You miss Queen's cutoff this year, because of the WS, but you can't predict what it'll be next year.

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Well, if you apply to Dal, you only need a combined score of 30 to make the OOP cutoff (it's only 24 IP). That doesn't guarantee you an interview, of course, but it would make your application competitive.


Anyway, my MCAT was "only" a 32R (10, 10, 12), but that was enough for a Queen's interview this year. Next year the WS cutoff may be a bit lower.

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Well, if you apply to Dal, you only need a combined score of 30 to make the OOP cutoff (it's only 24 IP). That doesn't guarantee you an interview, of course, but it would make your application competitive.


Anyway, my MCAT was "only" a 32R (10, 10, 12), but that was enough for a Queen's interview this year. Next year the WS cutoff may be a bit lower.


Were you able to score interviews at other Ontario schools?

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Thats crazy (the idea anyway)! :eek: Unless you can select what MCAT to report, I wouldn't bother unless the question is really driving you nuts or you are 80%+ that you can do "better". Then again, I am just a first year :rolleyes: . Anyways I think you kicked the c%#& out of the MCAT.

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Were you able to score interviews at other Ontario schools?


Yes, at Mac, but not at UofT or UofO (damn GPA cutoffs). I don't quite get how I scored an OOP interview at Mac and not elsewhere, but they're a funny bunch down in Hamilton.


I didn't apply to Western, though.

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Why do you think there's a good chance that the cutoffs might increase? As near as I can tell, they've remained steady around 9/10/11 in each subject, and combined scores of about 30. Are you considered about the WS? (I expect I could greatly improve my science sections if I spent a solid two months studying rather than writing my thesis as the same time...)

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