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Retake MCAT?


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Well, the MCAT is typically only more relevant at the first stage (getting an interview). If it's "good enough", that's usually enough. At Dal, for example, they don't give MCAT results above a 36 any greater weighting in the overall score - a 33Q would still be quite competitive anywhere, and enough to get interviews, though perhaps not in a few cases where being OOP would be a disadvantage. If you can get to that stage, I think that's all that really matters.


Of course, I haven't actually gotten in anywhere yet, but if your other stats are similar to (or better than!) mine, you shouldn't have much trouble getting at least three interviews, which provides a much better than even chance of getting at least one offer. But, if you think that you'd definitely be able to better on the MCAT a second time, you might as well go for it - that is, unless you can think of a better way to spend $150. I expect I could do better too if I studied for two months without simultaneously writing a thesis, but it might not matter in the end regardless.

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Personally I think it would be a bad idea to retake....


Circumstance vary, I'm retaking with a 31 R because of a 9 in bio....

However you seem like you'll hit all in province cut off minus maybe queens... with their crazy WS.


Given the 2-3 months I need to study solidly to write a competent MCAT I most certainly think getting some volunteer experience would improve your overalll application compared to a 35, especially when there's a chance it could go down.


However in end you may be stacked in EC's and truly believe you could score a 40 the next time out. But if you're going to put it up to forum consideration I think there are much better ways you could spend your time.

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This might be a silly question, but I was wondering if there was any french version of the MCAT exam (or possibility to write the essays in french). From what I read, there is none, but I am asking just in case it changed and because as a french speaker, it would my life much easier...


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  • 2 weeks later...

n00b, that seems like a very good score! don't mind my asking but did you study on your own or take a course?


Q: i'm thinking of either prep101 or princeton review but don't know which one is *better*. what experiences have you guys had with these courses?

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Thanks. I don't have experience with either of the ones you mentioned. I heard PR is good though from friends.


I'm sort of thinking about retaking now just to be more competitive for US and non-Ontario schools. Anyone in a similar situation or have advice?

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