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The July 18th Thread


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Anyone around here writing on the 18th?


I am and in London.....

After long deliberation I calculated that I'm at my peak mid summer compared to the average population....


haha actually I thought it would be a good date ending two weeks after my TPR course, and give time to golf, go to africa and put together my OMSAS


If I had the choice I probably would have elected to write in about a week later but no such date exists and I'm sure come exam time I'll be anxious to go....


I imagine this thread will become very popular July 10th or so lol.....

Take care all and best of luck studying

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I'll post mine first but was wondering what kind of study approach you're taking to the July 18 or other July MCATs


When do you plan to start/when did you start studying?


Besides the occasional Audio Osmosis Listen.... my class starts on Apr. 21.

Its 4 nights a week, so I plan on reviewing a chapter a day Sun-Wed.... while doing problem throughout and saving fridays for problems only.

The last 2 weeks after class finishes I'll briefly review it all but really focus on doing practice exams and only review anything I'm getting wrong on those exams. That is going to be a bigger part of it for me this year.... I want to learn more from my mistakes... so I'm taking a notebook and recording errors I make and giving a reason why it is I did... hopefully I'll identify a type of question I consistently mess up, or a type of mental error I keep making.


What materials are you using to study


TPR hyperlearning review books and class

EK 101 Verbal

EK Organic Chem Review

Audio Osmosis

AAMC tests 3-10

If I find I'm really tearing through problems which I think I've given myself more than enough of I may try to find even more, but doubtful

For the writing section I just read time, and the newspapers and try to keep in mind what a good example would be and then closer to the exam will take one day to take a bunch of aamc's practice prompts and find an example and counter example for each..... but really if you follow the formula you're set for a Q or above... I got an R the first time with pretty poor examples as far as I was concerned. I think really think the difference between a Q and an T after following the formula they set out is stronger examples/more fluent writing


Any section or concept you're spending extra time on/worried about?


I've thrown this one is just because maybe other people have methods that are really helping them or have helped them in the past.... For me I'm worried about my bio as it is the reason I retook.... I got a 9 on the real thing and feel that I didn't pay enough attention to the molecular bio side of things so I have bought extra practice from EK and also different orgo book from EK to supplement princeton. This time I will give more focus to molecular and genetics.... as I'm much stronger in physiology....

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When do you plan to start/when did you start studying?


I started on May 5th but had a very slow start since I also started a full-time research job that same week. So far it hasn't gone great and I'm behind my EK lectures by a couple of lectures. I'm getting worried and trying to make changes to my schedule so I have more energy on week nights to study.



What materials are you using to study


EK Complete MCAT Package (following the home study schedule)

EK 101 Verbal

EK 1001 Questions for all subjects (havn't had time to use any of these yet)

Audio Osmosis

AAMC tests 3-10

Kaplan Tests



Any section or concept you're spending extra time on/worried about?


I took my first full-length MCAT (3r) yesturday and got a 23. That should get me going a bit and allow me to set goals now. Realistically I didn't know any of the phyrics formulas and hadn't reviewed much chemistry. My weaknesses are in physics and chemistry so I'll need to improve those. Verbal is definitely my strongest section although I'm still trying to get to the point of consistantly scoring above 10.

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good stuff keep with it.... there's a period from about the point where you're 25%-75% through the material where each extra chapter results in a linear increase in score lol... it gets tougher after you get through it all... but still very possible to keep going up with practice!...



best of luck

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  • 1 month later...
My Prediction: Physics will deviate in the hard direction compared to practice AAMCs, bio and verbal will be about the same as will the writing samples.


I would be so grateful... Physical is my strength I feel with a hard section it may even help me set myself apart for a good score....


On SDN it looks like July 8th was tough physical, VR and BS roughly aamc ish maybe a tiny bit harder.


July 10th seemed fair in every category (based on the opinions of 6 or 7 people)


July 18th.... to be determined

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ah gosh. I just read the thread at SDN, and I feel like July 18 is gonna be a bummer of an exam. It's gonna be like last year again (i.e. July 13 last year was straightforward, representative of this year 's July 10 and July 24 last year was brutal, representative of this year's July 18).


Or so I predict.

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ah gosh. I just read the thread at SDN, and I feel like July 18 is gonna be a bummer of an exam. It's gonna be like last year again (i.e. July 13 last year was straightforward, representative of this year 's July 10 and July 24 last year was brutal, representative of this year's July 18).


Or so I predict.


hey, never count on patterns especially form the AAMC... however judging from the odds case of outrage every 4th MCAT admin of the last year or so has been awful.... Aug 20th last year, one in January, May 10th, June 13th this year....


I guarantee it's just a coincidence however if you're banking on patterns I'd rather believe this one than yours haha


it would make our test fine and the first in august brutal.... Generally with the worst of the MCAT's people just don't get what they expect if you find yourself thinking WTF read the passage carefully I'll bet you the answer is in there somewhere

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BS seemed tough and then ended up being my best BS ever lol with a 13.... but I definitely was just hoping for a 10 after...



I found the verbal on 8 to be brutal!


yea verbal was hard on 8, I'm doing #9 on Sunday, hopefully turns out better.

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This is what I want:


Hard Physics, So-so Verbal, Easy Bio


This is what I dread:


Easy Physics, Easy Verbal, Hard Bio


WS: I don't care. Something on rights and politicians would be nice.


I want that bellcurve to work on Physics and Verbal.




I want your exact same test....

when I wrote in 2006... I got Slightly harder PS, Average VR, KILLER BS

PS is my strength so I would be confident with a Hard PS... and average Verbal/Bios

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