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Is mid-September too late to be complete with AMCAS?

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you do not need MCAT scores in order for your AMCAS application to be considered complete. you can complete and submit your AMCAS application as soon as it is available. your secondary applications, however, will NOT be reviewed until your MCAT scores are available. mid-september is getting kind of late for completing secondary applications.


hope this helps.

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Thanks Madz thats a vital piece of info.. so they will send me secondary apps before my MCAT score release and i can fill them and send them back but they just wont be looked at until my score release, right?


And I'm Ken i'm definitely not a superstar but I do have permanent residence in the states which should help somewhat.

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Thanks Madz thats a vital piece of info.. so they will send me secondary apps before my MCAT score release and i can fill them and send them back but they just wont be looked at until my score release, right?





aim for around mid-30s for your mcat :)

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I have been reading this thread and i was wondering if anyone could answer my question regarding the application to US schools as it is different from Canadian system. So when the applications are started, you just send your transcript and personal info rite. And then if you meet the cutoff, they ask for the secondaries rite? is this true? and do the ever wait to get the last years marks and then make the decision? Any help on this would be great. Thank you.

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I have been reading this thread and i was wondering if anyone could answer my question regarding the application to US schools as it is different from Canadian system. So when the applications are started, you just send your transcript and personal info rite. And then if you meet the cutoff, they ask for the secondaries rite? is this true? and do the ever wait to get the last years marks and then make the decision? Any help on this would be great. Thank you.


US application process:


1) Complete AMCAS application (similar to OMSAS in Ontario). This is personal info, all post-secondary coursework, selection of schools you want to apply to, and a personal statement (essay that addresses "why do you want to be a doc" basically), application fees, and send in trascripts.


2) Once AMCAS application has been verified, it is sent to ALL schools that you've applied to.


3) Most schools send secondary applications to ALL applicants, few schools have a "screening" process. US schools DO NOT have cutoffs. I'm not sure how the screening process works.


4) Complete and submit secondary application: Personal info, pre-requisite coursework, more essays, more fees, and reference letters.


5) Wait for your file to be reviewed (it WONT be reviewed until your MCAT score and all your references are received).


6) Jump up and down upon interview invite


7) Prepare for and rock the interview.


8) Most schools will tell you within 6 weeks of the interview whether you've been accepted/rejected/waitlisted (I heard within 3-5 weeks from the schools I interviewed at).


9) If you want to accept and reserve your seat, you send in a $100US deposit that is refundable until May 15th. If you attend the school, the $100 deposit will be credited towards your tuition. If you withdraw your acceptance before May 15th, you get the $100 back, if it's after May 15th you don't get it back.


10) Get your VISA stuff and financial stuff in order....and start med school in July (usually)!



Most schools will tell you the results within a few weeks of your interview - so generally they dont wait for last years marks. However, your acceptance will be conditional upon successful completion of your degree and of any remaining prerequisites.


Hope this helps.

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mad repz bro!

one more question...i am planning to retake some of my pre reqs in the summer after my third year and i would get the marks in the last week of august...so for a person with the gpa on the lower side...is it recommended to wait that long and then start the application because as far as i know once you start the application and send the transcript, they don't look or wait for any other marks and make the decision on what they have. Could you kindly elaborate on that too. :)

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mad repz bro!

one more question...i am planning to retake some of my pre reqs in the summer after my third year and i would get the marks in the last week of august...so for a person with the gpa on the lower side...is it recommended to wait that long and then start the application because as far as i know once you start the application and send the transcript, they don't look or wait for any other marks and make the decision on what they have. Could you kindly elaborate on that too. :)


Actually, thats a misconception that they wont look at other marks. What's different about US schools is that you can KEEP sending in info. If you've managed to KILL a course and get an A++ in it, you can send your transcript to them again with your better GPA and it will be added to your file.


Traditionally, if you're stats aren't stellar, it's best to apply as early as possible (i.e. get AMCAS done in June, secondaries done by July). In your case, if you've really bombed the prereqs, I would still apply early and maybe say somewhere on your secondary applications (a secondary application will often offer you the opportunity to add something that hasnt been asked in the essay questions) that you are taking the prereqs again and will send in another transcript as soon as the marks are available. If you do that, make sure you do well on the prereqs the 2nd time around.


Hope this helps :)


P.S. I'm a girl! I guess 'bro' can be used for guys/girls these days...

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My bad.

I have been reading SDN and there people are saying that once the transcript is sent, thats the only marks they will look at and thats it. What you said was contrary to what i have been reading. Could you kindly confirm the source please. Thanks.

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My bad.

I have been reading SDN and there people are saying that once the transcript is sent, thats the only marks they will look at and thats it. What you said was contrary to what i have been reading. Could you kindly confirm the source please. Thanks.


hmmm...the source...me? lol its just something i picked up over the years from reading this board and talking to students at my US interviews. yes, i agree that once everything is sent in then thats all they'll look at ...BUT if they havent gotten around to reviewing your application then i think you can send in other stuff and have it included in your file. I dont know why they would say that schools wont look at anything else because I know Canadian schools are like that but thought US schools were different. I know that if you're waitlisted then you can send in additional transcripts or letters of interest to give you a better shot at getting off the waitlist. Maybe sending in other stuff helps with the post-interview chances? I don't know.


I could be wrong...if that's what they're saying on SDN then I would trust it more because they should know. If I were you, I would still send in the other transcript with the updated prereq results.



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