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May MCAT Takers!


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A good place to check is the SDN forums... nearly every test date has it's own thread with about 50+ responses from people who wrote on the day....


The may 10th thread is very discouraging lol...

It seems there are multiple versions you could have received but that the PS was tougher than the AAMC's, reasonably so.... the Verbal seemed normal and the Bio section absolutely dumb founded a lot of people depending on what version they got...



Apparently there was a vicious lac operon passage on it...

hahah how about instead of rambling about a test I didn't write I'll instead just post you the link so you can read what these people thought.




hope that helps

and hopefully that means subsequent may admins will be easier!

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no prob, take it with a grain of salt.... although I find those boards particularly useful.... there are a lot of annoying/obsessive people on them and keeners that post 35+ scores lol.... don't let them scare you....


the mods are usually good about squashing any real trouble...

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