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Advice please!? (Eng Req, WAMC, MSTP)

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Hi all, I'm really new to these forums. I could use some advice about applying to american schools. I am:

Ontario Resident, Undergrad McGill


1. I did not take English. I wasn't thinking about med and couldn't fit it in once I realized. I have graduated. Can I apply american w/o english under the assumption that if I am accepted, I can just take english the summer before I start? Or do I have to take english during the application (although I have already graduated)? How serious is the english req?


2. Any ideas on US schools: WAMC?

Stats - are AMCAS (unofficial 3.73) and MCAT 34Q (9VR, 13 PS, 12BS).

4 Summers Research (3 different labs, 1 clinical study)

1 Year Research (Thesis)

1 Publication (not 1st author)

1 Year Hospital Volunteerism (but few hours)

Very little else: no shadowing (canada is tough, only seen routine lumbar punctures if this is anything), only some groups/activities (2).


3. I really want to do MSTP. I don't think my chances are good enough to get the IVY/1st tier which can afford to pay for me. Yet perhaps lower tiered schools with MSTP won't accept/pay. 8-10 years is kinda ridiculous at the current tuition rates... What should I do?


any advice is welcome, thanks!

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I graduated in 2007 (engineering), took Biochem and English in 2007/08. I'm starting med school in the US this fall.


Sounds like you have a lot of experience, just pick up a research project and take your english class on the side while you apply. (That's what I did).


Btw: Your stats/extra currics are eerily similar to mine. Get your app in early. I submitted my primary in July but didn't get verified until september....only ended up with 2 interviews. I was pretty interested in MSTP when I started the application process...I'm just happy to get into an MD program now.

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Most US schools want a full year of english. No way around that.


your GPA and MCAT scores are good. apply early - AMCAS application becomes available mid-may and can be submitted as early as june 1st-ish. submit AMCAS application in early june and get all your secondaries done in july.


also, try browsing the "applying to american schools" forum. tons of info there.

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