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MCAT timing

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i have a question about the mcat and applying. i understand that secondaries will not be reviewed until all scores at received. I have written the mcat once and i got a competitive raw score... 33... 10 11 12. I did not do so well in writing in that i am going to have to rewrite this exam. I am scheduled to do this on June 13th.


However, should I delay this, submit the primaries and send the score in or should I take my chances with the MCAT? i am sure the writing will go up but i will probably stay around the same for raw score maybe even a 9 in VR.


some schools take your most recent while some take the best. but from talking to some people who have applied they indicate the writing has less of an impact in the US.

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I wrote twice...O the first time, N the second...I was clearly having problems with WS.


I only had two interviews and the subject was never brought up. I did however meet an applicant who was asked about his K.


For the most part, WS score means nothing in the US. However there is some correlation between your WS score and your ability write. With the primary application and all the secondaries you will have to write, this is where a poor WS score might affect your chances.

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