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Applying to American Schools - Question

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I'm rewriting in July and getting my MCAT scores in Aug. In this case, I'll only be complete by August at the latest. Should I send in my secondaries, early, before August, or should I wait until my MCAT scores are released before I send in the secondaries? I'm just afraid that they'll look at my old MCAT scores if I send in the secondaries early.

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they wont look at your old mcat scores if you send in your secondaries early. there is a place on secondary applications (or perhaps on amcas?) where it asks if you're planning on writing the mcat during the current cycle. the schools will see that and wait for your scores to come in before making a decision on your application.


send them in early so that everything will be ready to go when your mcat scores arrive.

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Hey I am writing mid-september. Am I in the same boat?

Will I be at some sort of disadvantage or no?


same deal as above but you'll be at more of a disadvantage since your file wont be complete until later.


im assuming your scores wont be released until sometime in oct? thats REALLY getting VERY late...unless you get mid-high 30s (im thinking 35+) i wouldnt even bother applying that late...

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