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Help with verbal


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So I am scheduled to write the MCAT on Aug 15, but I feel really unprepared for verbal and have been doing quite bad on practice tests. I'm using Kaplan (course and books) as well as EK. On Kaplan tests, I have been getting around 7-8 and on EK 101 tests around 10. I don't have that much time left so I don't know if I can make a significant improvement. Should I still write the MCAT? What should I do?

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"EK 101 tests around 10"


if you are getting around 10 on EK, I would not worry too much about the VR on the real MCAT. I think EK is fairly representative of the MCAT verbal.


Also have you tried any REAL AAMC exams? You can buy a few at http://www.e-mcat.com and that will perhaps give the most accurate prediction of how the real thing will go.


As per if you should write it or not, well that depends on how your other scores are doing. How's PS and BS. If they are close to a 10 then I think you are set to go for the real thing. Remember Kaplan PS is slightly harder so a 9 on practice exams usually correlates to a 10-11 on the real deal.


All the best :)

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Thanks for your reply. I haven't done any AAMC practice yet so I will find out how they go...but mostly my verbal scores on kaplan have not looked promising. As for the other sections, I have been consistently getting in the 11-13 range so I'm not too worried about those, it's just verbal that worries me. Will more practice be enough?

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Thanks for your reply. I haven't done any AAMC practice yet so I will find out how they go...but mostly my verbal scores on kaplan have not looked promising. As for the other sections, I have been consistently getting in the 11-13 range so I'm not too worried about those, it's just verbal that worries me. Will more practice be enough?



To be 100% frank, I would not worry about kaplan VR. I never did any of kaplan VR -only EK VR - and I ended up with a 10. Yes, more practice is the key to VR


I think Kaplan is good for other sections. If you are getting 11-13 on other sections then I would definitely write it :) In fact I think you'll do excellent.




hey guys..is this the book for the EK VR questions?




For EK verbal questions, there is a 101 passages book available - I think that's what people are refering to here. It recently went under modification to have 16 VR tests. The 'older' version looks like this:




The latest one can be ordered through ExamKrackers or check your local university store. (In london, chapters did not have it but my UWO bookstore did have it)


I highly recommend EK VR as I found it to be the closest to the real MCAT - my scores on practice tests were close to my real MCAT score.


Best Wishes to you All!

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Sutler - I took the Kaplan course so I'm using their strategy and so far I've been doing their online section tests and full length exams. I looked at the EK verbal strategy but am not really using it (it's quite different from Kaplan, maybe I will give it a try). It's funny though that you're doing better at the Kaplan ones while I'm doing worse at them, but I know I'm weak on the passages that deal with politics, econ, etc. I just find the EK passages to be a lot more readable, straightforward whereas the Kaplan ones confuse me way more.


Underdog - as eng_dude786 said it is the Examkrackers Verbal 101 book that we're talking about, I ordered the second (new) version from the examkrackers website which I am using right now.



Thanks eng_dude786 - I will try not to be too discouraged by my Kaplan verbal scores, EK gives me hope!

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Kaplan passages confused the hell out of me...but I did better on those than EK which don't confuse me


EK is definately more readable so I don't know what I'm doing wrong in EK's VR but right in Kaplan's VR


btw I also hate econ / politics :cool:

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I doubt you will be able to find it in Toronto...unfortunatelly all stores are out of stoke.....I tried finding it and ended up ordering it online from the examkrackers site but it cost me almost 100$!!! ($40 for the book +$18 shipping paid while ordering, then another $34 to UPS once the book arrived at my house (??))



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I am also doing remarkably better in EK tests - 10,11s

however my scores are much lower on Princeton tests - i range from 6-9

I am not sure how this will translate onto the actual MCAT test tho.

any more suggestions from previous EK practice test users who wrote the real MCAT?

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from what i hear, and from experience, princeton tests are a bit harder, so you generally see higher marks on the real AAMC tests.

never tried EK..so donno...

you may wanna get some old AAMC tests and practice on those to see where you stand.

good luck!

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I am also doing remarkably better in EK tests - 10,11s

however my scores are much lower on Princeton tests - i range from 6-9

I am not sure how this will translate onto the actual MCAT test tho.

any more suggestions from previous EK practice test users who wrote the real MCAT?


EK is definitely the best. Averaged 10s with the occasional 11 on both the EK and the AAMC tests.


Would probably have gotten a 10 or 11 if I didn't have a passage on my actual test that I could have answered without reading. I'm pretty sure it was an exact transcript of a documentary I had watched a few years prior. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't let studying for the MCAT consume you. You never know when something completely unrelated might help you.

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I doubt you will be able to find it in Toronto...unfortunatelly all stores are out of stoke.....I tried finding it and ended up ordering it online from the examkrackers site but it cost me almost 100$!!! ($40 for the book +$18 shipping paid while ordering, then another $34 to UPS once the book arrived at my house (??))




Damn, I only sold mine for $20!

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