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I haven't started the application

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I just realized that I could have started as early as June.. I'm really feeling terrible now. Did i just practically miss my chance or greatly affected my chances in the US? I was just in the middle of working on my AAMC account when i decided to come take a look here...


is submitting the info on the AAMC account is what is called the primary or is that per university?


i will double check now but if someone can also tell me where i'm standing it will be great



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the AMCAS application (through AAMC) is called the primary application.


each individual school that you apply to will send you a secondary application once your primary is submitted/verified.


it is getting quite late in the cycle. at this point, i would recommend applying if your mcat is mid-30s+ and you have a fairly good GPA (I'm thinking 3.8ish). anything is possible so nobody can say that you've missed your chance BUT your chances are greatly reduced.

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It is getting a bit late because as Madz said the verification is taking longer now than it was earlier in the month. But I don't think it's too bad yet (and there are a lot of people including on this forum, that have no yet submitted their AMCAS app) and I think you should go for it. If you submit now, you will probably be verified by the beginning on August (or around there). You can start working on secondaries already (there are some useful posts about those on SDN).


~best of luck :)

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the AMCAS application (through AAMC) is called the primary application.


each individual school that you apply to will send you a secondary application once your primary is submitted/verified.


it is getting quite late in the cycle. at this point, i would recommend applying if your mcat is mid-30s+ and you have a fairly good GPA (I'm thinking 3.8ish). anything is possible so nobody can say that you've missed your chance BUT your chances are greatly reduced.


WHOA guys calm down, I know things get carried away here on premed101 but lets slow it down.


OP, strictly from the mouth of an ad comm member on SDN (check it out, its got amazing stuff), if you get your application in by next week and have a quick secondary turnover rate(read: within the day you receive it - its possible if you finish your secondaries beforehand) you will be in decent shape. Most applications sent in by june are NOT being reviewed now for a variety of reasons:

- Most premed committees don't send letters of recommendation until early july (US applicants need these)

- I am not sure if EDP people are being considered, but EDP people are reviewed before regular people. Finally, Schools got the primaries at the end of june.

- Slightly less than 25% of the applications are received on June 26th. Don't worry about it.


If you submit within the next few days, expect to be verified by the beginning of august. If you finish your secondaries and have your LORs into interfolio, then you can send in your secondaries and LORs the day you receive them from the schools, which means you are looking at being ready for review around mid-august, depending on when you get the secondaries from the schools. That is about the time the first wave of interviews are going out.


Here is the timeline for amcas submission for reference.


June - early july = you will be in the first wave of applicants considered

Mid-july - early august = Starting to lose your edge but Can get it back to speed if your secondary turnup is fast and you submitted in mid July (which you can totally do because the secondary prompts are floating around SDN)

August - Not a good idea if your stats aren't too good, you have no edge in terms of applying early.

September - You better be a superstar.

October - Don't even bother.


Note that if you take your sweet time with the secondaries, you will not be ok. It depends on your mcat score and your GPA. A friend of mine was not complete until mid september but managed to rake in 3 interviews with a 3.65/34 and a mediocre PS work/activitie list

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I think a bigger problem is that his/her MCAT is scheduled on Aug 9...his scores don't come out until Sept and that's very late...


oh crap, sorry I didn't even read that. Aug 9 mcat means score release is in september and that is getting pretty late.


OP, my last post stands, granted your mcat scores are out. It looks like it will be getting very late in the cycle at that point. If your gpa is good and your mcat score ar going to be promising I would apply. I would limit your schools to lower tiers and apply to ones I would be competitive at + schools that don't have rolling admissions as your dream. know that by september a lot of interview offers have gone out.


The other issue is your transcripts. They are the reason why verifiiation takes so long. If your transcripts are already in, then you would be verified within the first few days of august and you would be OK. Since they haven't been received you need to send them in, which will take up to 14 business days. Only after that can the verification process begins. As Madz said, the later it gets in the cycle, the longer it takes to verify, so you might as well end up getting verified end of august. With your mcat score coming out in september, you might not start getting reviewed until mid september, and a fair number of interviews have gone out at that point.


You WILL be at a disadvantage, but can be mitigated by GPA/MCAT score/LORs granted you apply to mid/low tiers schools. Applying that late means it got harder, but not impossible. The only thing you can do is trying to have your entire app done so that you are completely ready for review the moment your scores come out.

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I would have to agree with Alastriss on this one. Another thing you can do is get the essay prompts for the secondary applications from SDN and start working on those as well so you can send out the secondaries soon after you receive them.

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yes its not THAT late now. but if mcat scores don't come out until mid-sept...that means schools wont review your file until then either...isn't that getting kind of late?!


I would think so.


Do you think you can write the MCAT at an earlier date?

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Hah y'all are scaring me.


My transcripts and MCAT are already in. All I need to do is finish filling out the application and send it in to be verified.


So say I get verified mid-August and in the meantime get my secondaries ready in advance, I could conceivably be complete in some places by late August. You guys are saying mid-September is late, so I'd be screwed too huh? Just thinking there couldn't that big of a difference between say being complete August 25th and September 15th could there?


btw I have good-ish stats and being URM will hopefully help me somewhat

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Thanks for the input everyone


It's impossible for me to write the MCAT earlier because there are no spots left and I know of a friend who is writing late and he had to go to the States and it's in September or so..


My MCAT from summer 2006 is 10P, 11B, 9V and a Q... so it's definitely not good since I don't have a stellar gpa.


Should I apply with this mcat now but still write it regardless in august? can u do that? I want a better score anyways because i want to apply for toronto and queens this year.


Last winter was when i was reading all about American schools, but somehow i got the impression that early application was sort of like a convenience issue.. and all applications are then rated together just like in Canada.. well i guess i was wrong and i paid the price of my negligence!!!

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Thanks for the input everyone


It's impossible for me to write the MCAT earlier because there are no spots left and I know of a friend who is writing late and he had to go to the States and it's in September or so..


My MCAT from summer 2006 is 10P, 11B, 9V and a Q... so it's definitely not good since I don't have a stellar gpa.


Should I apply with this mcat now but still write it regardless in august? can u do that? I want a better score anyways because i want to apply for toronto and queens this year.


Last winter was when i was reading all about American schools, but somehow i got the impression that early application was sort of like a convenience issue.. and all applications are then rated together just like in Canada.. well i guess i was wrong and i paid the price of my negligence!!!



It depends on a few things:

1) How badly do you want to go to medical school

2) Is money a big isue?


If you answered not that badly to 1, then you should probably not apply.


If you answered pretty badly to 1, and no to number 2, then you should apply anywhere and everywhere to increase your chances


If you answered pretty badly to 1 and yes to number 2, I would be very very selective in the school you apply to. Keeping mainly low tiers/mid tiers.

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I wanna go to med school real bad it's my dream and i'm already a little bit late because of extra years in grad school. and money isn't a big issue if it's just for extra applications and stuff (but for tuition well that's a different story)


i have moved my MCAT to september 9. it might be stupid but it will allow me to focus on it so much more as now i have a lot of stuff going on in my research that makes it very hard to study, but after late july/ early august i can take time off and i will work to ace it. i will send my primary asap and hope for the best. at worst, it's a practice and a big punch in the nose.. :/

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I wanna go to med school real bad it's my dream and i'm already a little bit late because of extra years in grad school. and money isn't a big issue if it's just for extra applications and stuff (but for tuition well that's a different story)


i have moved my MCAT to september 9. it might be stupid but it will allow me to focus on it so much more as now i have a lot of stuff going on in my research that makes it very hard to study, but after late july/ early august i can take time off and i will work to ace it. i will send my primary asap and hope for the best. at worst, it's a practice and a big punch in the nose.. :/


Its going to be an uphill battle. I know of a guy who applied in october but managed to rake in a few interviews. He also got into harvard, so that says something about his app. good luck with it all. Application cycles aren't going anywhere, but you need a good mcat before anything.

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Harvard, Yale, and a few other schools operate on non-rolling admissions, so applying late to them doesn't hurt you at all. Of course, they are usually the top-tier schools, so you need to be absolutely stellar to get an interview there in the first place.

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