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Computer Based MCAT


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For those of you who have taken the computer based MCAT, what is the format like? Are the passages and questions on the same screen at the same time so you can easily refer back or do you need to change pages and stuff?


Do the practice tests you pay for at the AAMC come in the format of the computer test? Are there other resources to familiarize yourself with the computer format?



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Yes, the passages and questions related to that passage are on the same screen. It is a split screen (half passage/half questions). If you have dont the practice tests, I believe it's the same thing. There is a tutorial at the beginning about how to use it. Basically you can highlight the passage, and strikeout wrong choices in the answers.

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from what i remember, the practice online aamc exams are pretty similar to the real thing...also, i know this may sound dumb but when you write your actual exam, do the tutorial! It helps to relax you, takes the stress off, you get used to your keyboard and mouse (essential for the WS)...


you could also try kaplan for some additional resources...kaplan also has a tutorial that resembles the one on the actual exam so you know what to expect when you write the actual thing and there are no surprises


good luck!

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