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Please Help Me!!

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I've been a longtime lurker, and I finally decided to post because I was hoping some of you could give me some advice because I'm panicking at this point, and I'm convinced I'm not going to get in anywhere and will be forced to go to the Caribbean.


I just graduated from the University of Toronto, my last two years, I've had a GPA of 3.64 and 3.74, respectively. However, my cumulative GPA is 3.38 (due to 50's in my general chem and organic chem courses and 64 in physics), my non-science GPA is 3.75. I have written the MCATs before but recieved a 25S (I was going through an emotionally trying time). So I realize I definitely need to re-write the MCAT, so I am scheduled to re-write it Sep.13th (I'm hoping to get a score in the 30s this time around-fingers crossed). I'm hoping to complete my primary applications this weekend, by July 21. I know that medical schools won't look at my application until they recieve my second MCAT marks, but I'm trying to get everything into them before September including letters of reference, secondaries, etc. by Sepetember, when I write my MCATs. Since the AAMC takes 2 weeks to put up scores, my complete application should be ready for review by the first week of October.


I'm applying to NYMC, Rosalind Franklin, Wayne State, Albany Medical College, Albert Einstein, Eastern Virginia, George Washington, Jefferson, Michigan State, Mount Sinai, Saint Louis, SUNY Upstate.


I'm very worried because I haven't been able to apply as early as others-but I was having a tough time knowing which schools to apply to and where I would actually have a good chance, since its so expensive. Also, will it really hurt my application that because I'm writing the MCAT in September, my application won't be complete until atleast the end of September?


I'm really concerned about whether I have a chance at getting in anywhere-I don't care if its a low tier school, if anyone knows of any school that I have not listed, and thinks I may have a good chance (with a hopefully increased MCAT score) please let me know!! What about CASE, Penn State, University fo Vermont (some of you have mentioned these schools)?


Also, if I've listed any schools (like Michigan State because its a state school for example), and if someone thinks I really don't stand a chance please let me know!!


I appreciate any feedback and comments!

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You need to consider whether it is affordable in your situation to attend a US medical school. The application process is expensive, but it is nothing compared to interview costs and tuition!


What you're doing is a risky strategy because you're applying and spending money on primaries and secondaries without knowledge of what your MCAT scores are. I know you're hoping for mid 30s, but what happens when it's sub 30 like 29? You will not be competitive with a sub 30 MCAT and an application that's complete in October. Even if you have a respectable score around 30 to 33, won't sink your application, but it doesn't necessarily help it either.


To put things into perspective: by the time you're complete and you're starting to be looked at in mid late October, the school most likely will have interviewed for two months or more already and some may even be offering offers of acceptance. My first acceptance was in November, and I was by no means an exception.


As for some of the schools...Case is a very MCAT centric medical school with a very PBL curriculum. Cleveland sucks (no offense), but the Cleveland Clinic is awesome. I would say mid high 30s on the MCAT for sure.

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Guest begaster

Realistically, unless you ace the MCAT, you're not going to get in this year. It can't hurt to apply (unless you're really hurting for money), but your best bet is probably going to be to take a year off and reapply next June.


Kenneth would know better than I do, but Case is easier to get into than CCLCM (Cleveland Clinic), isn't it? Regardless, Case and Mount Sinai are both top-30 schools - no easy means to get in.


Your best bet is to use the LizzyM score sheet, find schools that you can fit into, and then see if they're Canadian friendly (there's a list in this forum, you can also check websites and call schools to find out).



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Case is easier to get into than CCLCM (Cleveland Clinic), isn't it? Regardless, Case and Mount Sinai are both top-30 schools - no easy means to get in.


CCLM is infinitely harder to get in than Case primarily because


a) the class is a LOT smaller

B) tuition is almost free at CCLM

c) CCLM has a more narrow definition of the type of student they want (typically non trad or with a very strong research background, very indepdent, good fit with a tiny class and PBL type curriculum), versus Case which is more open to different types of personalities.


But it's almost like comparing apples and oranges. The two schools are very different entities.

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Guest begaster

Completely free, actually. They've gotten rid of tuition altogether as of a few months ago.


I actually only brought up the topic because I misread your post. I thought you were talking about Cleveland sucking, but CCLCM being great. Then I got curious as to why you were mentioning CCLCM when she mentioned only Case. My bad. :P

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