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Thoughts on July 18th MCAT


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So....what did everyone think of today's MCAT. Personally I felt uneasy about the PS but then again I always do and BS was pretty easy I thought. This was my first time writing it and I wrote at a small centre with 4 other people! I am so glad it done......now we have to wait for 1 months for the marks. My Kaplan book says that starting in 2008 marks are going to be done in 14 days but clearly this is not what people have been seeing. Well enjoy not having to study this weekend for those who wrote today and for those who are writing in August, good luck and happy studying! My best advice now having done the actual test is DO ALL THE PRACTICE AAMC TESTS IN COMPUTER FORMAT!!!!! Everyone told me this before I wrote and they were absolutely right.

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I found that the BS was easier than most practice tests that I had done for it, PS was challenging as usual but still a bit easier than most of the practice test I had done. The VR was just another world by itself, I am not even sure what happened with that section, the first couple passages were really lenghty and abstract.

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I wish I knew what it was like!


So, I show up at 7:30 for an 8:00 start and they are having technical difficulties. So I waited for 5 hours for them to try and fix this problem and, in the end, we were sent packing! Pretty big let-down.....oh well, will give me more time to prepare for August 5th!



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