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Question on Solutions


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Hi, I came across a question that was as follows:


When salt X is dissolved in water to form a 1 molar unsaturated solution, the temperature of the solution is seen to drop. From this information, we can conclude that for dissolving this salt in water:

Answer was: deltaH is positive and deltaG is negative.


My question is... if the temperature was seen to DROP, aka- it cools, how is deltaH positive? Doesn't positive mean absorbing heat, thus increasing temp?

I'm confused...:confused:

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Think of it this way: heat from the environment goes into the solution and gets transformed into other forms of energy. It's kind of like freezing water into ice: energy must be taken away from the environment to make stable bonds between molecules. Conversely, if heat were released from the solution, then energy would be given off and that is when the solution would feel hot. This would give a negative enthalpy of solution.

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