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Who is writing on August 5?


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If you are writing on August 5th:

How prepared do you feel right now? about 2 weeks before..

What is your plan for the next 2 weeks? practice tests, etc.


I feel like I've gone through all the material...so its so hard to focus on reviewing concepts that may not even come up!

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Still feel like some things need some work, but overall I believe my performance will depend on how good I feel mentally the day of the test;-)) So I am planning to have a very good rest the day before. As for the 2 weeks ahead: practice questions and q-cards, as well as analyzing AAMC essay topics. Hope that I won't be freaking out too much or too late:o

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oy vey. Me too! :eek:


Unlike you guys, I am not at all prepared at the moment. My grad work ended up taking more of my time then expected, and it had to take priority (which blows). My plan is to finish reviewing physics by Thursday, and then do the whole Kaplan book in about a week (suuuure). :rolleyes:


And then practice, practice, practice!


Go Aug 5! :cool:

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Can't wait to get it over with! Been studying everyday about average 5hrs/day since late May, but still phail at my VR.:o I can't tell what's causing it, but i think its that I lose attention/patience when reading some of those POS humanities passages--the ones that talk about the most useless crap in society. I would kiss the floor to get a 10 on VR. I'm currently getting 13-14 on the aamc sciences, while a 6-8's on the aamc VR! haha...so I'm now going hardcore on VR and essay till the end. Studying the sciences for sooo long has now made it into my long-term memory. Kaplan did a thorough job of sciences, but I now found its VR to be much easier than AAMC.

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Hey tallguy, I would hammer away at the VR until it comes naturally. The thing about the VR is that when you practice over and over, you kinda get the feel of what seems to be a right or wrong answer. I had been studying since May for my MCAT which I wrote last friday and I can assure you that VR is meant to shatter your confidence on the exam. The strange thing about it is that you are never sure if you really bombed it or did extremely well on it, since there are always 2 answers that are extremely close. Anyways you seem on track for a good score, just keep at it ! Good luck !

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Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Kaplan's VRs are easier than the AAMC . The main reason is that the VR passages from the AAMC is longer and involves more critical analysis of the paper, whereas Kaplan involves a lot of passage recall. It would be a good idea to buy some of the CBTs from their site and do it just like exam conditions! I think that will be really beneficial to you. The CBT's from the AAMC cost $35 each but that is nothing compared to the value and the importance of this exam.

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lol, agree on the VR being the thing that shatters u're confidence.. though really u nvr really knwo how u do...

today i did aamc 5 and totally was rushing last few passages cuz most of them are sooo long, didn't even map.. though i got screwed, ended up wif a 9...

these VR r certianly screwing me up :(

GO AUGUST 5Thersss

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lol, agree on the VR being the thing that shatters u're confidence.. though really u nvr really knwo how u do...

today i did aamc 5 and totally was rushing last few passages cuz most of them are sooo long, didn't even map.. though i got screwed, ended up wif a 9...

these VR r certianly screwing me up :(

GO AUGUST 5Thersss


Just did AAMC 5R and came out with a 9 also on the VR. lol except 9's are a huge improvement for me (2-3 points increase), from getting the slightly lower than average scores i used to get on VR when i first started. But i'll still be slamming away at these VR's...finishing up all aamc tests (3-10) by this Wednesday hopefully. Then doing some laid-back studying and alot of essay practice till the end. Science's are still solid (thankgod:) ) --my 5R score came out to 14-9-13. I hope I don't forget things come the time for the big day.


Best of Luck Aug 5ivers!

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I'm still trying to get my average up. I'm floating around 10's for all sections and would like to add at least a point or two to each section. I definitely need more confidence on PS--it fluctuates the most. I feel like I will never be ready....we'll see. Good Luck to all!

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Gah. How'd it go everyone?


Mine was ok, ran out of time in the PS section, as predicted. I did the last 10 questions almost completely randomly. At least I get to know that I'm helping scale you guys up! Every one has a purpose, right? :P


Too much orgo in the biology section for the likes of me. Well, that was my first mcat but probably not my last :rolleyes:

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Gah. How'd it go everyone?


Mine was ok, ran out of time in the PS section, as predicted. I did the last 10 questions almost completely randomly. At least I get to know that I'm helping scale you guys up! Every one has a purpose, right? :P


Too much orgo in the biology section for the likes of me. Well, that was my first mcat but probably not my last :rolleyes:



I ran low on time too on the PS section. Thought the Bio section was a little tougher than usual. Verbal seemed typical......time will tell

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Yeah, verbal was ok, though I have to admit the american politics one threw me a bit, just because there was a lot of terminology I wasn't used to.


Did you get the TV one and the Wealth one for WS?


Agreed...Bio was harder and more random than usual.

Verbal seemed fair.

PS was okay

one of the WS was skech and kinda threw me off

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lol, found this on SDN for August 5th MCAT


3. Were verbal passages longer than your practice ones? Timing issues?


I really don't understand the issue of the length of the passages. I've done a lot of kaplan, Golden standard and AAMC verbal, and I never spent time worrying about the length of the passage. What I try to do is finish each passage in 8 minutes or 9 max. I did the same and finished exactly on time. The passage on the republicans and democrats whatever.. I was enjoying it at first, then suddenly it went wtf on me. I just had to mark about three questions and come back to do two of them satisfactorily.


lol "I was enjoying it at first, ten suddenly it went *** on me"


I love AAMC lol

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