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Who is writing August 9th?


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I'm assuming since both Aug 5 & 7 dates have a tentative release date of Aug 9, then you can probably expect the same date for Aug 9, or even later since the systems seem to crash when large number of people are trying to log on. :) That's my guess....hope it was some help.

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Only a week left from score release! I'm sooo stressed with my summer job over and nothing to occupy my time with. I feel a bit better knowing everyone else had similar not so good experience. I wrote in the morning as well and I almost voided my score as well after my bio.

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just wondering (bit silly), what are you NOT allowed to take into the test with you? i.e. do they provide the pencils, pens or do you bring your own? also i read in a thread that you can't bring in a watch..really? and they have lockers available or should you not bring anything (apart from the necessary i.d)?

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At my test centre no one checked for my watch and I saw someone else wearing a watch, so I guess it depends on how strict your test centre is. Paper and pencil are provided, but if you need new paper, you have to hand in your old scrap paper. Again they didn't have lockers at my test centre, but just put all the stuff in a plastic bag in front of the room and you can get it on your break. Check in and check out took approximately 5 minutes total. My test centre was Willis college in Ottawa.

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Arghhhh...so frustrated right now.


So yesterday (after seeing Sept 5 + 7 releases) I called the AAMC MCAT people to find out what the release date for Sept 9 was (since it wasn't listed due it being a Canadian only date or something). After 40mins on hold, lady tells me FOR SURE it will be coming out today.


So here we are, today. No results. Argh.


I shouldn't have called...it would've been easier to accept if I hadn't 100% believed this wait would be over today.


Please...let the wait be over sooooon.

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An e-mail I received from them...


Thank you for contacting the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) program.


We have been told that they may be coming out on September 11. You may start checking the THx system after 5:00pm Eastern time, on that day to see if they have been uploaded into your record.


Please let us know if you need any additional assistance.


Warm Regards,


The MCAT Resource Center Staff

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An e-mail I received from them...


Thank you for contacting the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) program.


We have been told that they may be coming out on September 11. You may start checking the THx system after 5:00pm Eastern time, on that day to see if they have been uploaded into your record.


Please let us know if you need any additional assistance.


Warm Regards,


The MCAT Resource Center Staff




But they do say "may be coming out"...not "will".


Heh...trying not to set myself up for disappointment (again).

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f***!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! I can't do this for another day!!!!!!!!!!!


:o Now I'm afraid...if they don't come out Friday...waiting the whole weekend.


This whole process just sucks...stupid August 9 and its lack of a published "tentative release date". Seems like AAMC gives everyone different (and WRONG) answers as to when the scores will come out. I really wish I had written on a "normal" date with a score release date because this is so frustrating :mad:

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I feel the same as all of you Aug9ers. I really need to know my scores, so that I know for sure which schools I can apply to. I have only started my omsas application, and am still deciding which OOP schools to apply to. And I haven't given my referees their forms, because again, I don't know exactly which schools I'm applying to. I don't understand how hard it can be to get a printout of scores and post them online.

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Yeah, it sure doesn't. We'll have to wait and see (something we're getting used to). Maybe our scores will be released anyway...although they're probably still working on resolving the testing problems created by the recent hurricanes.


Hey, even though we're waiting for our results...at least we didn't have to leave our homes due to HURRICANES. :D So it could be worse... (/facetious)

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