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2 weeks before the MCAT...


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I am writing the MCAT on August 15th. So I have less than 2 weeks to go and was wondering what most people do in this time.


I plan on doing full-lengths (Kaplan and AAMC) basically everyday, reviewing mistakes, etc. But the day before the exam I plan on doing nothing MCAT-related. Do most people do something like this?

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That's a good method.


Don't do too many practice tests though--save time to review between exams. It's no use to do test after test if you don't learn anything in between, and I think this would mean spending at least a day or two to recap and review.


Also, you should be aware of burn-out, which might come due to so many practice tests.

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I agree with the above posts. Do several of the AAMC CBT's but make sure to spend a day in between reviewing your mistakes and rereading topics you are weak on. I found the newer AAMC CBT's more reflective of the real MCAT. Keep in mind though your actual MCAT will be harder than any of the CBT's, so don't immediately assume you will score as high as your highest AAMC practice CBT score. Though, since the exam will be hard for everyone, there is a good chance you will score within the range of your AAMC CBT's.

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