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How much should I pay for a used whole Kaplan MCAT set from 2007?


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As the title implies. Are there any sites or something to compare prices? Right now I've got the 2006 Kaplan premier program 2006 edition from the library and I spent an hour reading the newest 2008-09 edition in Chapters and for the most part they seem identical.


Thanks in advance.

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i think they're basically the same, i have the newest ed, and i compared with a guy who had an older edition they were exactly the same down to the page numbers, only thing that was different was the cover...


no idea how much you should pay, the course is 1500, you won't get the online material or the full lengths or the classroom session, all that stuff is easily worth 1000 dollars, so i wouldn't pay more than 500....

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I bought a 2007 edition of Kaplan book from Chapters which came about $140. Material wise it is exactly similar to the courseware books I bought in 2005 as part of the $1500 package. On top, the book is all coloured which wasn't the case with the courseware books. It has one CBT+1 Full length in book. Also, there are tests/quizzes every week on the Kaptest.com website. So honestly if you are not taking any course then I'd say just buy the book. You can get AAMCs tests for practice from someone.

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ExamKrackers? I've never even heard of this before... The names I recognize are Kaplans, Barrons, and there was one more which escapes me at the moment. >_<


So you'd suggest no more than $300 for Kaplan 2007?


Or should I just go with this ExamKracker brand?


And I agree, the MCAT prep books are great for Orgo chem which I had been struggling with. I was always under the notion that I should keep my old textbooks for future reference for the MCAT but wow.. these prep books cover everything!

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ExamKrackers? I've never even heard of this before... The names I recognize are Kaplans, Barrons, and there was one more which escapes me at the moment. >_<


So you'd suggest no more than $300 for Kaplan 2007?


Or should I just go with this ExamKracker brand?


And I agree, the MCAT prep books are great for Orgo chem which I had been struggling with. I was always under the notion that I should keep my old textbooks for future reference for the MCAT but wow.. these prep books cover everything!


Go ExamKrackers, it is the best study material for the MCAT. Kaplan has some pretty signifigant flaws. The most glaring is the Kaplan VR.


If you want to know more about it just do a search on this forum.


Good luck!

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My personal opinion is that Kaplan prep books (or "Kraplan" as I call them) are not worth buying at all. My advice to you would be to purchase TPR and EK for bio & org chem review, EK and TPR for Verbal, Nova or Berkeley Review for Physics, and Berkeley Review for general chemistry.


But if you really want to buy the Kaplan prep books, don't pay more than $100 for them. Plenty of people sell them on Kiji or cragslist for that much or even lower for the most recent editions.

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