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Post-MCATum depression


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Guest soaring_eagle


Same feeling here. Know how you feel about the MCAT. I just wrote it...fingers crossed and hoping for the best. Its so stressful to write it/ wait for results.......



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Here's my story....


2nd time writing, the first time I was scoring well enough on practices and went in fairly confident.... My averages being about 11,11,10.... The first two sections went fairly according to plan and when I got to bio I was thinking same old just punch a 10 out and get out of here (This is in 2006 when Western was still at 10 for bio) and I got the most unbelievably brutal section I had ever seen like no practice bio test I had seen before.


It was just about the time that they were really switching to the genetics emphasis and the practice tests didn't really reflect it, they were still all physio. I was actually snickering reading some of the passages because they were so brutal. I walked out shell shocked and though I probably got a 6 compared to what I felt like when I got 10's.


Score: 11,11,9 R I had psyched myself out during the bio.... it was obviously hard for everyone and I barely missed scoring my average even though it was a massacre... if I had stayed calmer and more confident I really think I could have gotten a 10 or 11 on it. But still it goes to show you how bad you can feel about a section and still do alright on.


2nd Time: this july and still have another week until scores.... I had a two week vacation right after my test which I was looking forward to to relax. I had to catch a flight out of Toronto at 6.... and I was writing in London at 8:00 a.m. So with the drive I thought I would be more than fine..... Sure enough computer problems at the computer to centre combined with me being the last to register... I didn't start writing until 10:00 a.m.


So despite having said I'll keep my confidence no matter what during this test my new issue is having trouble focusing!! because missing my flight is in the back of my head and I went through physical and verbal with the weirdest feeling... the material wasn't that bad.... but I just felt so shaky and out of focus while reading the passages I had it in my head I was blowing it...

I managed to calm down and do the WS and bio very confidently but feel as if I may have blew it on verbal.


So now 3 weeks from my test date.... I feel more confident.... Surely for physical and a little more so for verbal.... I think back on the test and although I was shaky reading the passages I felt fine answering.... which generally is the important part so that kind of comforted me with physical... and in the verbal.... our passages were a good paragraph or two longer than they were on practice tests which would have me believe I would have felt a little less confident grasping the overall picture even if I wasn't worried about my trip....


So fingers crossed... PS and VR were my strong sections so I'm hoping even if I did underperform I still managed to get 10's and then hopefully bio went really well as that was the section holding me back....


The point of all this? It is not that strange to walk out feeling shaky or bad or just unsure even if you walked in quite confident.... If nothing external was really influencing you it's likely the same things that are worrying you are worrying everyone else and it's a scaled test. So stay confident and if you don't get the score you need sign up for one of the last date in september and give it another go.


Best of luck everyone

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