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Should I cancel my MCAT date?


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I would really appreciate some feedback from people who have taken the MCAT before.


I took two classes this past summer plus working full-time at a clinic and basically found zero time to study for my September 6th MCAT date. I finished my exams last week and started working part-time so I could have more time to study. I started studying last week and I still have just over two weeks before my test but I am starting to wonder if this is enough. I can put in some long days at the library but I'm not sure if this is advisable. I am using the Exam Krackers package and I read on their web site that it is better to study for the MCAT in shorter study sessions aside from practicing the actual tests. I am not applying to med school this year so I don't really need to write the MCAT now but I would like to get it out of the way and not have to lose 50% of my registration fee.


Thanks in advance for any helpful, honest advice.

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I was in a similar situation class/fulltime work/mcat, and i wrote last week, basically i started studying hard like 10 days before (8 hrs. day) but was doing 10-15 hrs consistently a week since may, because i was taking a prep course.


I haven't got my marks back so I can't really say, but I would def. say take it since it doesn't really matter how often you write it, and you still have nearly 20 days to study hard, enough time to score 10s imo, and you'll have experience no shame in writing it twice, I probably will be....

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depends on who you are - how you handle failure, how you handle going in potentially underprepared, how you handle strict time constraints.


Personally, knowing who I am as a person, I wouldnt write it because I dont like voluntarily putting myself through emotional stress many times if I can avoid it by going it 100% confident and prepared.

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I totally agree with you. No university looks down on you for having done the MCAT multiple times, so why not do it now? Even if you end up doing it again, you will be more prepared and less nervous about the testing atmosphere the second time around.


i agree. just write it. study as hard as you can now. you might surprise yourself and do well. if not, then at least you know what to expect the second time around.

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