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Reviewing Practice Verbal tests


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This might sound a little silly but is reviewing the questions that you got wrong on the verbal section helpful at all? I don't feel as if I'm getting anything out of it and it's the section that takes the longest time to review. Are there things I should be looking for? Or is it better to just do a bunch more of practice verbal tests?

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Lol, all I ever realized was that every question I got wrong I had down to two choices and I always picked the other one. I suppose it showed I was good at eliminating wrong choices.


But ya I generally don't get all that much out of reviewing old verbals, well I guess did learn very quickly that my best passages are anything political, or the social sciences, my worst were the arts, and natural sciences was somewhere in the middle sometimes it's a joke sometimes I just totally missed the point.

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It is definitely beneficial. It'll help you avoid making the same mistakes a second time. For example, you may sometimes misread a question and answer it incorrectly due to this - if you don't review, you won't know that you are doing this. You may make mistakes because you infer too much from the passage from too little information - unless you look at the reason why you got things wrong, you aren't going to improve. Of course, identifying your weak spots is but one of many aspects that is involved in verbal, but I definitely think it is important if you are expecting to improve.

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