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Princeton VS Kaplan...which?


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Between those two, definitely Princeton.


Kaplan's verbal is infamous. Also, Princeton's science materials are arguably better than Kaplan's (in terms of homework questions and readings).


I would also, however, take a good look at Examkrackers. I've only heard good things. I've also used their 101 Verbal passages and their audiobook--both of which are good.

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supafield, did you find that the TPR workbook questions were good/enough practice for the real test?


Combined with all the AAMC practice you can do...


and I had a friend that wrote the MCAT with me that's taken both Kaplan and Princeton for multiple attempts... and would tell you that he liked Princeton better.


Each course has strengths and weaknesses based on the person.... Princeton seems to be much more comprehensive... so if you have a strong hold on the sciences already it may be overkill.... but I couldn't remember much from my sciences and so it was great for me.


Another element of luck is when you're taking a classroom course it may all come down to your teachers.... When I took princeton I had awesome Physics and Chem teachers... Mediocre Bio and Orgo.... and the verbal guy left something to be desired.... so... Personally I would recommend Princeton but there is always a little uncertain element to either course.

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and I had a friend that wrote the MCAT with me that's taken both Kaplan and Princeton for multiple attempts... and would tell you that he liked Princeton better.




I stand corrected and sympathise with your friend that must be tough.


I honestly believe you're kidding yourself and others if you truly believe the class makes much of a difference. You'll have to do the majority of your work and learning on your own time, the class is there at least in my opinion to consolidate all the materials required in to one easy and accessible place.


I will say though, the only reason i picked kap was because it fit my sched, princeton had class four days a week and that didn't fit with my summer school nor did I want to waste that much time in class anyways.


I was recomended kap by 4 different friends in eng who all scored high 30s, like I said I know they achieved that kind of success becuase they worked hard, all the class is really there for is to give you structure and reduce the hassle of having to go out and find books/search for tutors, and any class can give you that so I don't believe it matters.

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I wrote the MCAT twice...


The second time I signed with TPR again but did not attend class as I found it useless because I was studying strongly and just wanted the materials...


The first time however, I knew little about the MCAT it was nice to get advice from people that took it before and our Chem teacher was excellent and well qualified and would meet after to discuss any weaknesses.


So while it will really depend on the person taking the class to see whether the lecture will be useful I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that the classes are useless for all.... There are lots of people that benefit from the structure and hearing someone else explain something....


In conclusion.... A lot depends on the person... I would recommend Princeton more if you're really starting from scratch with the sciences and have time... TPR babies you through it... EK and Kaplan seem to be a little more consolidated and more effective for students that don't need every detail explained to them.... So you may find success in either class and a lot of it comes down to what you want to make of it.

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