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So what time should you arrive on test day?


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Hi guys,


Sorry if this question was already asked (I tried searching but mostly found threads on timing lol). But generally how early should you be at the test center on test day? Does the test start right at 8 a.m. so you need to arrive well in advance to get checked in or does checking in start at 8.am.?


A bit off topic but has anyone written their exam at TRIOS (425 Bloor St. East Suite 200) in Toronto before? If so, could you guys tell me your experiences writing there? I haven't visited the site yet but will in a few days.


Thanks for all your help in advance guys.

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You should plan to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start time. They need to get you checked in and fingerprinted which may take some time - of course it's better to be early than late. I showed up about 45 minutes before my start time. Where I wrote it, you could pretty well start whenever you were ready. I ended up starting 20 minutes before my start time and others started writing as they showed up.


good luck

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Um I also have a question regarding the pre-test verification steps.

If my signature is different from the one I have on my drivers license (which I got like 4 years ago), would I still be eligible for the test?


I initially did my shorter signature and they asked me to re-write it to make it match the driver's license signature, so it might be safe to have the same signature... i guess it depends how strict your test-center admin's are


A bit off topic but has anyone written their exam at TRIOS (425 Bloor St. East Suite 200) in Toronto before? If so, could you guys tell me your experiences writing there? I haven't visited the site yet but will in a few days.


I wrote in suite 202 of the same building and i assume they'd be similar. Basically you had your break/admin area where you register and take your breaks, they give you lockers there to keep any stuff you brought. Then behind a door was the testing area which was basically just a bunch of workstations each had their own noise-reducing headsets. The actual computers weren't bad, no monitor problems at the time (i wrote fairly recently) and the mouse/keyboard worked fine... keyboard was loud though so that became irritating during WS.... oh and washrooms are outside of the room by the elevator :P lol


hope that covers everything

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Don't show up too early - you'll get hungry/tired by the end if you have to wait too long at the beginning (maybe this was only a problem with me because I showed up 30 minutes early, and my start was delayed 1.5 hours). If you're late (by a few minutes) it shouldn't be a problem. Obviously don't TRY to be late.

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i read the email a while ago but i think i remember reading that you need two pieces of government i.d with photo and signature; so driver's license and health card is ok for ON ?


i only needed one piece (drivers license)... im fairly certain the e-mail does say one piece

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