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Test Day: What's it like?


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What is test day like? I have been studying the books, and it shows that breaks are optional?


Can someone clarify the timing and the typical activities of a computer MCAT?




7:30a.m.: Sign-in/Check-in


8:00a.m.: Introductions by invigilators/Explanations


8:10a.m.: Start PS


9:20a.m.: Finish PS, then leave your computer to go outside and wait in the lobby, use the washroom, etc.


9:30a.m.: Return. Go back to the SAME computer? Are the computers assigned to each student? e.g. Computer# 038=Tommy Smith, Computer 039=Tara Smith? etc.


9:30-10:30a.m.: Verbal Reasoning


10:30a.m.-10:40a.m.: Break, go to lobby, sit, chat, etc.


10:40a.m.-11:40a.m.: Writing Sample


11:40a.m.-11:50a.m.: Break


11:50a.m.-1:00p.m.: Biological Sciences


Then take a quick 10 minute survey, and go home? (no longer have lunch break?)

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thats about right, although our invigilator didn't really explain much, just that we have to sign in and out when leaving/coming back for breaks. computers are assigned, the invigilator will show you which one to use and you keep the same one throughout the day, and YES breaks are optional and there is no formal lunch break.

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ya there was no big instruction/explanation period..u don't wait for others to start..u can start when u get to ur assigned computer..then breaks are optional..people come n go at different times..at first, i was worried about being distracted..but with the ear plugs, it's like u're under water so it was ok :P

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