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WS Question


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I have been doing the practice tests at e-mcat.com and have a question about the WS section.


Sometimes when I am writing and spell a word wrong, the little red line goes underneath it (signifying that it is spelt wrong), but other times it does not. What is up with that? Is it similar on the real test or is there no spell correction as I previously thought? If it is there does anybody know why it only shows up some of the time?


I'm thinking it may just be my web browser but I wanted to check anyways

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There is no set length for the essays. The AAMC is more interested in the quality of your essay, and not the quantity. With that said, the essay needs to be long enough that you make and present a point. You don't want it to be long just for the sake of length though. If you have said everything you wanted to (and needed to) say, then it is long enough.


As for the format. You are given the first prompt and have 30 minutes to write on it it. When that is up you move to the next and have 30 minutes on that one as well. You cannot use 40 minutes for one essay and 20 minutes for the next thought.

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