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Sept. 5 MCAT


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To anyone that wrote the MCAT today (Sept. 5), how did you guys find it?


I thought that the physics was quite a bit harder than any of the AAMC practice tests, and I ran short on time. Nerves may have played a role as well though.


Verbal was better than the AAMC tests in my opinion, as there were a lot of science/social science passages which I find easier.


Writing prompts were pretty good, nothing too difficult.


Biology was a little bit harder than the AAMC tests but not to the point where I think I did badly.


What did the rest of you think of it?

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I agree.


Physics was quite a bit harder and I was pretty much forced to just randomly click on an answer on some calculations questions just so that I can move on (although nerves was also a factor for me because I had some problems checking in and started late) There wasn't nearly as much general chem as I had expected (didn't really reflect the AAMC practice test ratios I thought)


Verbal wasn't that bad, there were a few iffy questions but generally ok.


Writing prompts were straight forward.


Bio was nice because there was only one orgo passage although there were a good number of tricky questions on the immune system (more than I thought there would be.. booo) and in general the questions were very passage based.


Overall, not too bad as long as everyone else found physics hard ;)

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Ugh, PS was really hard. This is my second MCAT in two months and the PS was much tougher this time. Not very much general chem at all. :mad:


Verbal and WS were easy enough. Nice break after PS. :rolleyes:


I thought the BS section was a bit rough too, just because there wasn't much diversity. A lot of the questions had the same principles behind them instead of jumping around like on the practice tests. :(


Anyway, at least it's over!

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I felt the physical sciences was TERRIBLE compared to the AAMC practice tests. I had no trouble keeping up with the practice tests, and could easily get 10-12's, but on Friday it went terribly. I found myself running out of time, and randomly choosing answers for calculation questions :(


I also thought verbal was pretty straight forward. Bio was tricky! It's usually a breeze, but I found the wording almost like a verbal passage. I'm so glad there was only one Orgo passage though.

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i'm thinking i missed a passage. did ppl get these 7 passages in verbal? gosh, i'm starting to second guess myself. i hate not knowing the scores and then applying blindly, gosh.


criminals and conformity

authors and comparison to past regarding the quality of writing

Native Americans

Psychology passage about Dreams



science methodology and how everything shouldn't be so procedural

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criminals and conformity

authors and comparison to past regarding the quality of writing

Native Americans

Psychology passage about Dreams



science methodology and how everything shouldn't be so procedural


I had:

1. Detective fiction & stereotypes

2. Poets and comparison to the past

3. Native American Culture

4. Freudian theories (dreams)

5. Fossils


and for some reason I can't remember the rest (blocked it out of my memory...lol)

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Physics :eek: :eek: :eek: was 100 times harder than that on an average AAMC sample test


Verbal: I was sucking at the AAMC tests anyways in verbal, but i felt i did better, although i only finished 5.5 passages.


Writing: Was not that bad, has some good example on both prompts. On one I think I had Macintosh and Coca-Cola as my examples. Cant remember the prompt though.


Biology: I thought i did really well but now that i have read some comments i am freaking out a little bit.


Overall, Physics got me worried from the beginning and i think that kinda screwed up verbal for me. Rest of the stuff was fine.

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Writing: Was not that bad, has some good example on both prompts. On one I think I had Macintosh and Coca-Cola as my examples. Cant remember the prompt though.


The prompts were something like: (because I have gone over this *$*#*%& test a billion times in my head!)


1. In times of national crisis, the media should support government policy.


2. In business, product image is more important than the product itself.

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Are you trying to say the Macintosh image is more important than the product itself?


Cuz OSX PWNS Vista


ooohh yeah i remembered i didn't use macintosh i used PC..and showed that image of there product is nothing to them...only the quality of their products like windows and office is important to them and they are trying to improve that every year or so.


anyways i don't care anymore..i am just happy i am done with this ****..:)

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I'm glad everyone found the PS section tricky. I found it brutal compared to the practice tests. I think every other section was fine.


I used red bull and pharmaceuticals as my examples for that prompt about business. I was pretty stoked about how easy it was to write. The national crisis one I had a little trickier time thinking of examples but I think I did okay

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