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Sept. 5 MCAT


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This is getting feisty..... I call a truce.


I am in the same shoes you guys are. I understand the anxiousness but I can also see things from the AAMC's side. They have a lot of crap to deal with and I'm sure posting that the tentative date is going to be a day or two off isn't of the highest importance to them. I would rather have a good testing experience (like I did) than have the scores out exactly when they predict them to be.


Anyways, no reason to argue. We have enough to deal with as it is.


So.... lets just hope for good scores!

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All I want to do is fill in the spot on my Manitoba application that is so far blank so I can drop off my freakin application tomorrow morning before I leave the country for 5 days. I would also like to know if I should bother finishing my Calgary application which I should do tonight and I won't know either of this until I get that freakin MCAT score.....grrrrr



PS. I find the venting and reading of vents quite therapeutic so I am going to endorse all of the complaints on this thread


PPS Had there been no discussion of this I may start freaking out that I accidently voided the whole thing

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