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August 5 MCAT Scores??


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My post from the other thread:

Arghhhh...so frustrated right now.


So yesterday (after seeing Sept 5 + 7 releases) I called the AAMC MCAT people to find out what the release date for Sept 9 was (since it wasn't listed due it being a Canadian only date or something). After 40mins on hold, lady tells me FOR SURE it will be coming out today.


So here we are, today. No results. Argh.


I shouldn't have called...it would've been easier to accept if I hadn't 100% believed this wait would be over today.


Please...let the wait be over sooooon.



I was going to call again today...but what's the point. It seems there's no way to know when they're coming out :( I'm trying to just forget about it and be surprised when the results finally come out, but that's kind of hard to do...

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