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Compulsively checking...


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Now please calm down & just breathe! Not sure if this will help you, but my guess is that even if they are inputting the marks into the system today, the system probably won't be updated until the end of the day (which i'm assuming is 5pm ET). So just save yourself the anxiety and check at 5pm. I would guess that they would release the Aug 5 & 7 scores by 5pm either today or tomorrow, and those unfortunate people like me who wrote on Aug 9 probably won't find out their score until 5pm on Friday (since there is really no tentative date stated on the aamc website), just to make sure we have a 'super' weekend. :rolleyes:


Well, whatever may happen, best of luck!

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It was my suggestion that they won't be up for another day or so or possible Friday. Please don't take my rants seriously. :D

Hey, if the Aug 5th & 7th are already up, perhaps Aug 9th will be posted by 5pm or by tomorrow.


Didn't mean to get people upset.

Best of luck with the scores!!

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.....but I'm just saying that if you look at the tentative release dates by the AAMC, they are all at least one month + one day after the write date. Therefore, I predict that the Aug 9th scores will be released this time tomorrow. Any bets? :D


Hey, at least we can make a game of this while we wait...

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Always_panicked please go pee! If they took the time to update the THx system to say "Aug 5 & 7 exams are up", do you think they're really going to modify the notice to release the Aug 9 marks? Don't you think they would have waited until the Aug 9 marks are up so they could post the notice for all three? So just relax, got pee :D and they'll probably post the marks tomorrow.


Well, i'm signing off today. Perhaps it'll serve everyone best since i've already caused a panic with my post :D


See you tomorrow!


I have to say before I go that i'm surprised there's not a superthread posted already with people boasting about their scores for Aug 5 & 7...did it go that bad?

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