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Waiting for the scores...scared!!!


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I can't handle the suspense anymore!!! Does anyone know if the scores for Aug 9 will be coming out today or tomorrow with Aug 15 scores?? Has anyone spoken to AAMC? Hellllpppp!!:eek:


Called them again today (yeah, I'm pretty sure they know my voice by now :D jk).


Bad news, basically. I don't reallllly believe anything they say anymore (seeing as how they told Aug 9 would get scores LAST Wednesday) so take this with a big grain of salt:

-Asked them when Aug 9 scores would be up: they said by the end of this week.

-I asked them if this was reliable: they said that's what they were told in a meetin this am.

-I asked them if it was therefore possible that Aug 15 could get their scores before us (since tentative rls date is tomorrow), she said YES this was possible :mad:

-So I asked why they would get scores before us even though they wrote almost a week later: she made a somewhat weak sounding statement about how they threw in the Aug 9 date and it had no tentative rls date so that was maybe why (yeah it wasn't a great answer).


So that kind of sucks. I figured that at least if Aug 15 got theirs, we would too. But according to this person, that may/may not happen. The AAMC really is supremely unhelpful...it seems very much "we can neither confirm nor deny...".


Anyhow, the wait continues! Hang in there everyone...:o

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called today and got the response that the scores for the 9th would DEFINITELY be released today after 5:00 pm. Then again, we've heard that before many times....so take it with a grain of salt :S



I've never got an answer that was that certain though.


Could today be the day? Honestly, I will hardly believe it when they DO come out.:eek: :eek: :eek:


As we get closer to 5 I may just have to call too, to see if I get the same answer. And because I love talking to our friends at the AAMC so much (and listening to those 2 songs while on hold).

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Well, since I apparently have no self restraint, I just called them again.


Embarassingly enough, I think I was talking to the same person as yesterday, and they seemed to remember me :o so she took my email so she could email me if they get any updates on when the scores will be released. I think this was mainly to stop me from phoning any more. Not that it will :P


Unfortunately, I got a different answer: Aug 9 results by the end of the week. So again, who knows. :( A little disappointing, I was hoping this call would confirm that it would be today.

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