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Waiting for the scores...scared!!!


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im at work right now and literraly shaking.... im so nervous... but im almost certain we'll be disappointed again... it really hard to stay optimistic after a week of let downs


Well put, I think this sums up most people's emotions. But I wouldn't give up until you see the heading "Scores for the August 5th and August 7th, 2008 exams are available." change.

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Do you think I have a chance anywhere? I am a grad student, so I know for UofT it's still workable....definitely not Western though :-S


I've only looked into the Ontario schools so far, but I would say Western/Queen's def out. UofT is possible though, since they're more of a "full package" deal. And of course NOSM, Mac, Ottawa (no MCAT needed).

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