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41N wow very impressive. You might get into U of T...i believe the cutoff is an N for WS? But you have no chance at Queen's or Western. Do you think you can manage at least a Q on the WS if you were to re-take? If the answer is yes, then re-write. If you did so well the first time, I'm sure you can pull off another great score the second time. Or like others said, apply to the States...you'll def. get in there.


well MCAT scores are back


I got a 41N (wtf), 14,13VR,14


is there even a point in re-writing? Is that writing that important?


Also a friend of my got a 28R, it was 9,9,10(bio) should he consider re-writing?

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well MCAT scores are back


I got a 41N (wtf), 14,13VR,14


is there even a point in re-writing? Is that writing that important?


Also a friend of my got a 28R, it was 9,9,10(bio) should he consider re-writing?



I would apply this cycle and see what happens. You might have a good shot at UofT even though they might flag your application on the N. If your GPA is as high as your MCAT you probably have an decent shot at UofT and the non-MCAT Ontario schools (Ottawa, Mac).


Your friend should also apply if he has a good GPA. I know people in my class with 29s because if you have 9 in each section plus make the WS cut the MCAT is irrelevant to your application at UofT.

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You might have a good shot at UofT even though they might flag your application on the N.


Actually, I think the "N" is acceptable. From the U of T website:


Minimum scores of 9 in each section and N on the writing sample are required of all applicants. Marks below these minimums will jeopardise the success of the application.
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  • 2 weeks later...
well MCAT scores are back


I got a 41N (wtf), 14,13VR,14


is there even a point in re-writing? Is that writing that important?


Also a friend of my got a 28R, it was 9,9,10(bio) should he consider re-writing?


wow that sucks. Great score though. Like Law said, you are extremely competitive in the US.


You will get screwed in Canada at all of the schools save UofT and Western (Only if you are SWOMEN).


****ty deal bro. But with a score like that and some decent EC's you could get into a top tier US school.

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wow that sucks. Great score though. Like Law said, you are extremely competitive in the US.


You will get screwed in Canada at all of the schools save UofT and Western (Only if you are SWOMEN).


****ty deal bro. But with a score like that and some decent EC's you could get into a top tier US school.



Even if you are SWOMEN, the cutoff is usually a P. Regardless, your score is fantastic for top tier US schools and meets cutoffs almost everywhere (except unlikely to meet cutoffs at Western and Queen's). I personally don't suggest rewriting unless you have no interest in the US and really need a chance at UWO/Queen's... even then, your score is really good for most places. For example, Manitoba, Alberta, Calgary all place emphasis on MCAT scores at certain parts of the application. UBC considers them, but I'm not really sure how. U of T has the 9/9/9 N cutoff, but MCAT won't really be of much help past that benchmark.


It does suck that the WS is low, would have been sweet if you could guarantee UWO/Queen's.

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Even if you are SWOMEN, the cutoff is usually a P. Regardless, your score is fantastic for top tier US schools and meets cutoffs almost everywhere (except unlikely to meet cutoffs at Western and Queen's). I personally don't suggest rewriting unless you have no interest in the US and really need a chance at UWO/Queen's... even then, your score is really good for most places. For example, Manitoba, Alberta, Calgary all place emphasis on MCAT scores at certain parts of the application. UBC considers them, but I'm not really sure how. U of T has the 9/9/9 N cutoff, but MCAT won't really be of much help past that benchmark.


It does suck that the WS is low, would have been sweet if you could guarantee UWO/Queen's.


I think Western was an N for swomen last year.

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