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Verifier Question

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Hey everyone,


I was wondering what your opinion was on items that you have documentation as proof of what you did. I have some awards and items that I have documented proof of getting, and I don't really have a contact for them. I suppose, I could find a contact for them... but it would be much easier if there was a way I could say "documentation provided upon request" or something like that.


The second thing is, I have learned to play piano over the years. I am not really good, but I do it quite a bit - just for myself. I don't really have any formal instruction, so I am not sure, how would I use a verifier for this?



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For the verification of stuff I did but don't have a contact for, I took somebody else's advice on here and put myself as a verifier then in the comments section of the verifier information I put "DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST"


I am going to call OMSAS this week to double check if this is the right thing to do because I know that they say that every item has to have a verifier!:cool:

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For the verification of stuff I did but don't have a contact for, I took somebody else's advice on here and put myself as a verifier then in the comments section of the verifier information I put "DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST"


I am going to call OMSAS this week to double check if this is the right thing to do because I know that they say that every item has to have a verifier!:cool:


Do the items in the category "other" require verifiers? It seems like they don't since you can't add/change details for those...

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You are allowed to put in "Documentation available upon request", in fact, it is what OMSAS recommends for awards for example.


Here is an excerpt from OMSAS FAQ:


"8. I am confused about which components of the application require verifiers, and how to link verifiers with a stated activity.


Verifiers are required for all school submissions. In order to link a verifier with an activity, place a number in brackets beside the stated activity. This number should correspond with the number on the verifiers list. Please note: Items that can be verified by consulting official documentation (e.g., formal education, awards) do not require verifiers. Applicants can indicate "documentation available" in lieu of verifier information, or leave the verifier information fields blank."



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in the detailed sketch there's a box asking for the verifier # .. but in addition to that do we also list the verifier in brackets at the end of the title of the activity (for schools not looking at the detailed sketch?)


I was wondering that myself...Ottawa informed me the other schools will see the detailed autobiographical sketch, so it seems to me they'll see the verifier number entered.

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I'm sorry if this seems like a silly question, but say for example I've done research resulting in a published manuscript, it's pretty obvious that this can be verified (i.e., the publication can be found on PubMed) but should I still put one of my co-authors as a verifier or just use myself and put 'documentation available on request'?

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I'm sorry if this seems like a silly question, but say for example I've done research resulting in a published manuscript, it's pretty obvious that this can be verified (i.e., the publication can be found on PubMed) but should I still put one of my co-authors as a verifier or just use myself and put 'documentation available on request'?


^^^I put my supervisor where I did my research as a verifier for this purpose.


does it matter how many verifiers you have?


^^^ Nope, don't think so.



I have a question about scholarships (admissions, queen elizabeth)... I read above that we can list ourselves for things we have certificates for... so do these scholarships which are renewed over 4 years also count?

I'm not sure I'll be able to find certificates for every year that it was renewed, but surely I can ask my school for my statements of account where those scholarships show up, right?

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