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April/May Re-write?


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Hey guys and gals,


I was wondering if anyone has any experience writing their mcats in the spring, during or right after exams...


Here's where I stand


Wrote a 29Q (10vr,10ps,9bs) in aug. after second year, I'm a swomen so it's the cumulative 30 which has been pretty stable that killed me.


Anyways i've used my kaplan higher score thing so i'm registered to take the course Jan-April free but if I want I can not go that class and retake the summer course for 300 bones.


I'm taking 6 courses now so I could in theory take 4 next semester (i'm in eng and have taken an increased load in second year + last summer, so i wouldn't be behind 4th year) focus my efforts on the mcat and write something like early may.


Or I could take the full course load 6 each sem, and have a really easy final year since my core eng courses will basically be done, and still write in may, if it doesn't work out write again late aug, early sept.


I think option one is really clearly the right choice since my mistake last summer was taking on too much with mcat and coming out disappointed, I'm just concerned if I have say an april 30th exam and write mcat may 2nd...

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