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For all of you guys who interviewed at Wayne State, how was it?


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My interview is coming up in 10 days. How was the interviewer? Any insights on how to prepare? Was it an relaxed atmosphere? Do you know how much this interview is "weighted" in their ranking system? etc... any insight is greatly appreciated.

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Know your application.


My interview was SUPER relaxed. No one seems to have a bad interview there (which is then very misleading because obviously some people end up being waitlisted/rejected).


Anyway, seriously, don't stress out about it. They really just want to get to know you.

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oh ok, its just that from my experience if someone is looking for a lie then they will find one. I know that a friend of mine was asked about what highway she took to get to her receptionist job at a clinic and she felt like she got asked so many "are you telling the truth" questions that there wasn't a lot of room to explain what she learned from her activities and how it will help her as a physician.

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Wayne was my most relaxed and fun interview.


She started off by saying: "This is the way it works. Next monday, the admissions committee will sit down and review the files from the last month. It's my job to advocate for you, so what I want to do today is get to know you as well as possible so that I can present you as a strong candidate to the committee."


She was super nice, and asked me about nearly everything on my application... she also obviously asked about weaknesses and after I explained to her that my verbal was weak for X,Y,Z reasons she told me that "A few of the adcom members are MCAT-crazy but not all of them... and don't worry I will emphasize the rest of your application"


10 days later: accepted.




edit : as a side note, I would strongly encourage sending a thank you letter. I can only speak for the Dr who interviewed me personally but she gave me her card after the interview, and a couple days later I sent her a quick little thank you email, she wrote back to me "It was a pleasure meeting you. Hope to see you next year." ..... so dont think it cant make a difference

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Just wondering what everyone saw about Wayne State on paper, which made you want to apply there?


It seems like everyone here applied to this school yet I had never heard of it before finding this forum. Is it just because they take many Canadians? I feel like I'm missing out on something, lol

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Just wondering what everyone saw about Wayne State on paper, which made you want to apply there?


It seems like everyone here applied to this school yet I had never heard of it before finding this forum. Is it just because they take many Canadians? I feel like I'm missing out on something, lol


One big reason to apply there is the fact that you can live in Windsor, a 15 minute drive (closer than most suburbs... most people dont want to live downtown detroit).

Besides that, not everyone will admit it .... but yes pretty much the only reason I applied there was because they are known to accept many canadians.


There is nothing glamorous about the school. It's in one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S., they have one of the biggest class sizes in the U.S. (300+), one of the highest tuitions (55K/yr) and the school itself is far from renowned. (Don't get me wrong though, it is not a BAD school... you would get pretty much the same medical education as anywhere else).


But really, for me, it came down to this: If I want to be a doctor, and I don't get into a canadian school, Detroit is way closer than the carribean and will make life way easier when applying for residency....

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One big reason to apply there is the fact that you can live in Windsor, a 15 minute drive (closer than most suburbs... most people dont want to live downtown detroit).

Besides that, not everyone will admit it .... but yes pretty much the only reason I applied there was because they are known to accept many canadians.


There is nothing glamorous about the school. It's in one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S., they have one of the biggest class sizes in the U.S. (300+), one of the highest tuitions (55K/yr) and the school itself is far from renowned. (Don't get me wrong though, it is not a BAD school... you would get pretty much the same medical education as anywhere else).


But really, for me, it came down to this: If I want to be a doctor, and I don't get into a canadian school, Detroit is way closer than the carribean and will make life way easier when applying for residency....

Thanks for your honesty. Tbh, I was very selective with my school list - if I didn't want to live there, I didn't apply. That was because I was fairly late (primary wasn't in 'til late July, complete mid-September). I didn't want to end up somewhere I didn't want to be, when I could just reapply next year in early June (and with much improved ECs) and probably get into a more appealing school.


Of course, if I don't get in anywhere this year (looking more likely by the day), Wayne State will definitely be on the top of my list next cycle, no doubt. :D I'm sure it's leagues better than the carribean. And any school that hearts Canadians is cool in my book.

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Thanks for your honesty. Tbh, I was very selective with my school list - if I didn't want to live there, I didn't apply. That was because I was fairly late (primary wasn't in 'til late July, complete mid-September). I didn't want to end up somewhere I didn't want to be, when I could just reapply next year in early June (and with much improved ECs) and probably get into a more appealing school.


Of course, if I don't get in anywhere this year (looking more likely by the day), Wayne State will definitely be on the top of my list next cycle, no doubt. :D I'm sure it's leagues better than the carribean. And any school that hearts Canadians is cool in my book.


There are many ppl on these forums who are current students at WSU. They could probably give you a better perspective on the school itself.


And dont forget, once you start your residency no one will care where you got your MD.

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There are many ppl on these forums who are current students at WSU. They could probably give you a better perspective on the school itself.


And dont forget, once you start your residency no one will care where you got your MD.


is that actually true? I thought the reputation does matter.

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is that actually true? I thought the reputation does matter.


Reputation will matter a bit when you apply for residency... but if you have strong letters and you nail the interview I don't think it's that big of a factor. It's kind of like pre-meds thinking where they go for undergrad will make or break whether they get into med school. It won't... you just need to work hard.


The point I was trying to make, though, is that there is a general consensus that you are "only as good as where you last studied". So, for instance, if you do your med school in the carib, then somehow landed a spot in orthopedics at UofT (fictional example) then when you finish and apply for jobs no one will care where you got your MD because they know you did your specialty training at a reputable school and that's what counts.

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