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Interviewing with no research background?


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I would like to think that, if a research-heavy institution wants to interview me, they must not think my lack of research experience is a problem. But it's not just like I only have a semester of research. I have ZERO research.


It's a pretty obvious hole in my application, so is it almost guaranteed to come up? And if it doesn't, should I bring it up myself? I never mentioned my lack of research in my PS or in secondaries. I don't know whether I should be making excuses ("research opportunities weren't available to me...") or simply justifying my lack of interest. Both angles are 100% true, in my case.


Any help would be appreciated.

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where are you interviewing?


Don't sell yourself short token, they obviously saw the 0 research and gave you an interview. So they must have liked something about you, you gotta find out what. Maybe you can spin it off by saying that you only were exposed to basic science research and wanted something more clinical.

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Don't worry, schools want a cross section of students - not just those with research backgrounds (even if its a research intense school). You received an interview, which means they like you, therefore you shouldn't worry about what you think is lacking in your application.


Btw, what school are we talking about?

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Thanks for the encouragement guys. It's Vanderbilt, which I didn't think was research oriented at all. However, I was also told on SDN it would be a waste of time to apply to anywhere in the USNews Top 50 without research. I applied anyway because I hoped above average stats + URM + strong PS, with emphasis on the underserved = interviews. But still, if all top 50 schools want to train physician scientists who will bring in the basic science NIH dough, I'm not what they're looking for, lol. Hopefully you're right and it's just one of those premed myths.


I am interested in clinical research (a few areas in particular), however I was frankly too intimidated to try and get involved as an Arts major. Hopefully, once in medical school I'll have the knowledge base neccessary.

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Thanks for the encouragement guys. It's Vanderbilt, which I didn't think was research oriented at all. However, I was also told on SDN it would be a waste of time to apply to anywhere in the USNews Top 50 without research. I applied anyway because I hoped above average stats + URM + strong PS, with emphasis on the underserved = interviews. But still, if all top 50 schools want to train physician scientists who will bring in the basic science NIH dough, I'm not what they're looking for, lol. Hopefully you're right and it's just one of those premed myths.


I am interested in clinical research (a few areas in particular), however I was frankly too intimidated to try and get involved as an Arts major. Hopefully, once in medical school I'll have the knowledge base neccessary.

Most people on SDN are retarded. Top 50 != Research school. The reality is, only a few schools are pretty much research exclusive. The rest either don't care (primary care schools) or like to see it but it's not going to make or break you.

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Thanks for the responses. And I definitely find the contrast between the replies here, and those in THX's thread on SDN quite amusing. Especially considering this is someone with SIX interviews at the beginning of OCTOBER. Sheesh. :D


I still think, regardless of what the SDN dudes believe, that top 20 schools don't just want research students. I say this because almost all schools state that a diverse class is important to them. Having a student body who's background is entirely rooted in research doesn't sound very diverse to me.


Also, I'm happy/lucky/surprised with my six interviews, but I'd trade them all in for a single acceptance :)

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