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Well... I just submitted secondaries... sigh :|


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Well... it's amazingly late because my refs were incredibly late (I gave them 6 months!!), but I finally submitted the majority of my secondaries today. I have a feeling nothing will come of it, but all I need is that one interview.

My stats are:

[edited out]


The schools I've applied to:

Albany Medical College (secondary done)

Albert Einstein COM (secondary done)

Eastern Virginia Medical School (secondary done)

George Washington University Sch of Med (secondary done)

Howard University (secondary done)

Jefferson Medical Coll. of Thomas Jefferson (secondary considered... the 4 LORS from varying profs is holding me back)

Meharry Medical College (secondary done)

Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine (secondary considered... one LOR not coming through... sigh)

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine (secondary done)

Saint Louis University COM (secondary done)

SUNY Upstate Medical University (secondary done)

The University of Vermont College of Medicine (secondary done)

Tulane University School of Medicine (secondary done)

University of South Alabama College of Medicine (no secondary yet)

Virginia Commonwealth University COM (secondary done)


Here's hoping, right? *crosses fingers*


Any recommendations on where else to apply to? Any chances?

I applied to a few schools in Ontario, but don't have a flying chance in Ontario with my GPA (OMSAS GPA conversion is killer!)



- 12 secondaries finished and submitted along with payment and LORS (complete at SUNY, MMC, SFU, AECOM, AMC, GWU, UVM, Tulane, HU, RFU, EVMS, VCU)

- 2 secondaries I'm considering withdrawing (Penn State because one LOR not coming through, Jefferson b/c I didn't realize the ridiculous LOR reqs prior to application through AMCAS) --> withdrawn... :(

- 1 secondaries not received yet (Alabama - why'd I apply here??)


Schools I've heard from:

- SUNY Upstate: pre-interview HOLD :( :(

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I'm not sure what URM really applies to, so I gave Howard and Meharry a shot anyway. I'm doubtful I'll count as I'm South-Asian.

I know it's not likely that I'll get in anywhere, but meh... it was worth a shot I thought

what's another $1500, right?? :|


*fetal position*

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You actually have a really good shot at getting an interview at Meharry. I interviewed there last year and I had similar stats. Moreover, I am also South Asian. I applied there because I liked their mission to serve the urban underserved.


My interview group was very diverse. However, be warned that while this med school interviews many non-URMS, it gives offers of admission to very few. Given the school's mandate, its matriculating class is like 90% URM. And while they do accept a couple of Canadians every year, they are usually all URM.

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sorry, not familiar with the acronyms

what are AECOM and VCU?


and I'm not likely going to do Wayne or MSU with their tuitions in the 55-65K range... especially with current parity


AECOM is Albert Einstein and VCU is Virginia commonwealth.

I would also like to add Saint Louis U!

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thanks for the encouragement Dayne

seems like I should hopefully get an interview at some locations. I'm not against reapplying next year (June 1st!), but thought I may as well give it a go this time around.


As for Saint Louis U, it seems like their entrance avges/MCAT marks are slightly higher than my own. I applied mainly to schools where I had stats greater than the average or at least equal to the average, especially considering I'm Cdn. Does SLU look highly on research/MSc?


I'd like to apply to some higher tier schools too, but I'm sure my chances are next to nil (eg. Vanderbilt, Pritzker, Dartmouth, Columbia), maybe next year if this year doesn't work out...? I should have a publication out by then as well (J Neurophys or, if it goes well, maybe J Neurosci)


Thanks for the info guys!

I've added AECOM and VCU to my list too :)

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SLU values research experiences, especially now they have a newly-built research centre and their research and primary care qualities have been slightly underrated.


The chances for SLU are for sure higher than Pritzker, Dartmouth etc though. The majority of SLU applicants are from out of state, which perhaps shows why SLU is also considered a Canadian friendly school. Moreover, no essays!

Best of luck!

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SLU values research experiences, especially now they have a newly-built research centre and their research and primary care qualities have been slightly underrated.


The chances for SLU are for sure higher than Pritzker, Dartmouth etc though. The majority of SLU applicants are from out of state, which perhaps shows why SLU is also considered a Canadian friendly school. Moreover, no essays!

Best of luck!



I appreciate the post flame

I'll send in my app for SLU as well

doesn't hurt I guess, especially with no essay secondaries (I need a break!!)


On another note, I'm looking at med school tuition trends, and it looks like a lot of these private US schools are bumping their tuitions up at exorbitant rates! SLU went from 42K to 48K this year, and I've noted other trends that I can't think of off the top of my head.

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just updating the thread, this is the current status of my apps


hopefully some of these go through


I'm still considering my GWU secondary, but I'm not sure if it'll be worth the $125, especially this late.


EDIT: it wasn't any more work, so I submitted it anyways..

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  • 3 weeks later...

just an update and edit of OP... still haven't heard anything and likely won't for a few weeks

I emailed GWU and Howard because I'll be in Washington next week, to see if they wouldn't mind having a look at my app, but it's not too likely methinks.


i'm reminded of the song "the waiting is the hardest part"


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pre-interview hold at SUNY upstate

complete at all but EVMS... no word from Alabama or VCU




it seems like the pre-interview hold = rejection, at least from what I've read on SDN. I'll be sending a letter of interest in january when they start looking at apps again because SUNY was one of my top choices. So this is what med school rejection feels like (first one)! Ouch!

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