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WS remark??


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Hey guys,


I scored a 11PS 10VR 13BS with a P writing sample. I usually avg a Q-R on my practice tests and I'm stuck right now. I know I didn't write excellent essays because I had some very broad prompts (nothing about business, government, politics, and I couldn't BS with sports examples either). I'm unsure if I should get my WS remarked. I don't want to write if I don't have to. I know a P is OK, but for $50, what are the odds that it could go up to a Q or drop to an O? The essays, from memory, had some substance.


I'm just looking for some thoughts.



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It's tough to say either way... you never know what they will do this year.


Western has been a steady Q for non-swomeners for a while now.

Queens an R last year but before that a P cut it....


If you want to go by last year cut-offs, you could try a regrade.


Personally though, You scored in the range of what you were scoring... the people marking your mock essays aren't the same people marking your real ones so there may be some discrepancy.... the AAMC says a regrade may take up to 4 months I believe I read somewhere.... so you may not even get consideration for a regrade depending on how the med schools want to consider you.


In the end it's up to you, but it sounds like a longshot. I would cross your fingers that your P is good enough instead.


That's just me of course

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even if not this round of apps, maybe next round if, unfortunately, you're not accepted?


i'm getting a re-mark myself because I also got a P

it's a gamble, but if i could get that up to a Q or R, I'll be happy (because I think I deserved at least that anyway)


last mcat I did, I got an M and received a P after the re-mark. it took 8 weeks for them to get back to me on that

furthermore, no explanation was given... :confused:

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even if not this round of apps, maybe next round if, unfortunately, you're not accepted?


i'm getting a re-mark myself because I also got a P

it's a gamble, but if i could get that up to a Q or R, I'll be happy (because I think I deserved at least that anyway)


last mcat I did, I got an M and received a P after the re-mark. it took 8 weeks for them to get back to me on that

furthermore, no explanation was given... :confused:


yikes, well goes to show you

There was a story I read on SDN about someone's second essay getting lost originally, and going from an absolutely terrible score to a really good one....


As I said though, those are only my thoughts above... as you've shown it may be worth considering the re-write.

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yikes, well goes to show you

There was a story I read on SDN about someone's second essay getting lost originally, and going from an absolutely terrible score to a really good one....


As I said though, those are only my thoughts above... as you've shown it may be worth considering the re-write.


I'm guessing that's probably what happened... they lost my second essay or forgot to enter it into the system or something, because such a huge jump could only be accounted for by that... that or the WS really is THAT subjective and there's not point in it whatsoever

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Wow, that's a ridiculous jump from M to P! I don't see how they could have lost a digital essay... in my opinion, the grading is just way too subjective.


Btw I'm in the same boat as both of you-- got a P and getting a rescore because I felt like my writing was strong.

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