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GPA Conversion for UBC marks to AMCAS GPA


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Hi All,


I'm wondering which conversion scale to use to convert my UBC marks to the AMCAS GPA. First, I saw this scale:




where on Page 4, there's a scale for converting Canadian marks.


Then I saw the scale posted on one of the stickies, which has the following conversion scale:


85% and up = A/A+ = 4.0

80-84 = A- = 3.7

75-79 = B+ = 3.3

70-74 = B = 3.0

65-69 = B- = 2.7

60-64 = C+ = 2.3

55-59 = C = 2.0

50 - 54 = D = 1.0

below = F = 0


The reason I want to know is because I have been getting a few 85s and 86s, and if I need to use the first scale, then my AMCAS GPA would be severely punished. On the other hand, the 2nd scale here would do me a great favor.


Does anyone know which scale is used?


Thank you very much :D

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