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NYU Invite, need HELP!


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Hi all,


I got the invite today. It seems like it's only a 30 minute interview which is scary as hell.


Can I draw upon the experience of all of you who interviewed at NYU - how intense is this 30 minutes? Is it relaxed? Or an ethics anal rape fest?


Good school though, very excited to check it out!

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Yeah, the SDN interview question section is heaven sent.

If you just browse through those, you'll have a good idea what to expect from your interview.

As for the interview duration, it really differs from case to case because mine was like 20 minutes while some interviews last more than 30 minutes.

My interviewer just asked me about one activity that I had put down on the work/activity section - we talked about that for a while and then it moved to a different subject somehow and... the rest, I actually can't remember, it's a blur.

But I do remember it was very relaxed.

By the way, you should email all the NYC schools you've applied to and let them know you'll "be in town," if you haven't done so already.

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My NYU interview was pretty laid back and conversational. I was just asked about my research/experiences/motivations for medicine and NYU in particular. It lasted for 45 minutes or so.


Just a heads up: A couple of people that interviewed the same day as me said they had pretty intense interview experiences. One guy said his interviewer just drilled him the whole time with eithical situations (tough ones too - like you're given info about two patients and then told that you can only provide treatment to one- which would you treat and why).


Anyway, most people had good experiences but if you happen to have an intense interview, don't worry about it, and just try and stay calm.


Good luck! NYU is amazing. Bellevue and NYU Medical Centre are incredible hospitals and NYC would be such a cool place to be.

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