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US school for med, then back to Canada for residency?


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So if you are a Canadian, who goes to medical school in the US....


When applying for residency back in Canada, are you considered in the first round in the mainstream applications with all the people who went to med school in Canada? or are you lumped in with the IMGs in the parallel stream (ie very few spots, not much hope of getting into any thing good)?


If you apply in the mainstream (I sort of think this is the case)- Will going to school in the states make it harder to match to a competitive specialty? (vs applicants from Canadian schools... ie is there any bias against you at that point)


I looked on the Carms site, but its not entirely clear to me...

Thanks in advance!

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there seems to be 3 streams now : CMG, IMG and USMG


I think as a US grad you would have a decent chance of matching but in terms of competitive specialties I get the feeling canadian grads will always have the edge. This is just my opinion.


of course! Canadian students will always have the edge over you, but that doesn't mean that you can never beat them out of those competitive spots even if your application is awesome.


Regarding OP, most people end up staying to do residency in the US. I think opportunities + debt repayment is the main reason why.

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