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Anyone getting burnt out from worrying about their marks so much?


I am, I get so scared when I'm studying that my brain sometimes freezes up and the panic comes. Then I start crying while I study and feel so inadequate. I keep having this feeling that I'm going to fail at everything I do....and never get into dental school. I try to keep saying to myself that my first two years are good, at least I have a chance at UofW but then I'd think I'm screwing myself over for American schools and UofT....


Haha sorry to sound so pathetic and incoherent but I just had to vent. Back to studying :(

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Anyone getting burnt out from worrying about their marks so much?


I am, I get so scared when I'm studying that my brain sometimes freezes up and the panic comes. Then I start crying while I study and feel so inadequate. I keep having this feeling that I'm going to fail at everything I do....and never get into dental school. I try to keep saying to myself that my first two years are good, at least I have a chance at UofW but then I'd think I'm screwing myself over for American schools and UofT....


Haha sorry to sound so pathetic and incoherent but I just had to vent. Back to studying :(


hey jenjen, if you get hit, get back up and fight again....its a war out there. all you can do is try. if things work out great, if not, there are always other options. not getting in dental school is not the end of the world.


keep your chin up, do the best you can and hope that things will work out. and once in a while, have fun to keep your mind off school stuff.

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hey jenjen, if you get hit, get back up and fight again....its a war out there. all you can do is try. if things work out great, if not, there are always other options. not getting in dental school is not the end of the world.


keep your chin up, do the best you can and hope that things will work out. and once in a while, have fun to keep your mind off school stuff.


loll that makes it sound like he/she was just diagnosed with AIDS or smth :P

u just gotta put things into perspective..in the grand scheme of things, school ain't such a big deal...just maintain ur strong work ethic and remember this too shall pass, and sooner or later u're gonna be where u want to be.

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Im also a third year and I go through the same process as well except the crying part. I procrastinate and take a nap instead hehe. But each time, I tell myself just get the best grades to my abilities. If it happens that I don't get accepted this year, the worst thing that can happen is to ask myself why I didn't try my best.


And remember, we're still only 3rd years. The average-age of acceptants is around 24 from the stats I looked at so we have plenty of time. Good luck on your exams and try not to cry! Be strong! lol

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Anyone getting burnt out from worrying about their marks so much?


I am, I get so scared when I'm studying that my brain sometimes freezes up and the panic comes. Then I start crying while I study and feel so inadequate. I keep having this feeling that I'm going to fail at everything I do....and never get into dental school. I try to keep saying to myself that my first two years are good, at least I have a chance at UofW but then I'd think I'm screwing myself over for American schools and UofT....


Haha sorry to sound so pathetic and incoherent but I just had to vent. Back to studying :(


I have almost the same problem - I sometimes sit there "studying" when really all im doing is worrying/obsessing about "getting in" and then i end up not really learning anything so ive definatly been trying to put a stop to that. Im also third year and i dont know what it is but my motivation or whatever has gone down amazingly since last year. Ive been trying to relax though by going out on weekends not worrying about studying fri/sat night and doing other things like going to the gym after school which has somewhat helped. Just try to stop obsessing about "getting in" all the time- take each test as it comes and dont worry about the future...only concentrate on todays problems and dont waste time worrying about problems that dont even exist. Also remember that being a dentist is a job like any other... a job is a job. It seems all so mystical and unreachable right now and im betting most people here feel thier life will be "complete" once they get accepted into dentistry when in reality none of lifes other problems will go away and you will be stuck doing horrid studying most of the day for the next FOUR years and in addition to this you may not even like the job once youve been doing it for a couple years. So I guees the best thing you can do is just to put in as much effort as you can without going crazy. Just make your next goal getting your science degree. Stop even thinking about dental school and it will do you a lot of good. Also remember there are a ton of other great careers out there and your not dissapointing anybody by not being a dentist. And dont let "trying to get into denistry" become the definition of who you are or the life will be sucked out of you and you will make a terrible dentist even if you do succeed (think of some of the robotic soulless doctors you meet). Anyway thats my rant. I guees keeping in mind a lot of people are dealing with the same problems helps to... Just try to enjoy life.

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Anyone getting burnt out from worrying about their marks so much?


I am, I get so scared when I'm studying that my brain sometimes freezes up and the panic comes. Then I start crying while I study and feel so inadequate. I keep having this feeling that I'm going to fail at everything I do....and never get into dental school. I try to keep saying to myself that my first two years are good, at least I have a chance at UofW but then I'd think I'm screwing myself over for American schools and UofT....


Haha sorry to sound so pathetic and incoherent but I just had to vent. Back to studying :(


I've definitely been there with the worrying about the marks, so I understand where you are coming from. Having said that, it is important to remember that you are right now in undergrad, which is not "pre-dentistry school". Don't worry so much about the future (which I know can be hard at times), but just focus on enjoying the unique experience that is undergrad.


I applied last year when I was in third year and was waitlisted. Obviously I was disappointed, but while there is nothing wrong with getting in early without an undergrad, I have really come to appreciate my final year of undergrad. I've been exposed to research, to grad school, I've picked up some great references, I've been exposed to many more career options, and I've had another year to mature and to gain a lot of perspective on this whole dentistry application process - not to mention that I feel much more confident in myself after having gone through fourth year.


The best advice I can give you is don't let "getting into dental school" define your undergrad. Ironically, I felt more pressured to get into dental school last year than I did ever this year. I think going through the process last year, and not being offered acceptance, really helped me to put things in perspective and to relax about dental school acceptances.


Good luck to you and try not to stress too much!

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when you expect nothing from life, it becomes easier and easier to get by everyday. I don't know if this will make you feel better, but here's my current situation. I'm currently going to an obscure private school in the states...as a QC born canadian. I have worked my tail off for a 3.7 overall gpa, and currently stand at the end of my fourth year. As my colleagues and professors have been so kind to point out, my gpa is "mediocre" at best for McGill dent (pretty much the only canadian dschool I will apply to). As a canadian, I will also be competing with fellow canadians who were rejected from canadian schools when applying to US schools. Why do I keep studying and working my ass off? It's because I expect no results,and working hard is what I've been taught to do ever since I was a child. If I were destined for failure, then at least I'll know at the end that I put up a good fight.


that is why i said "its a war out there"

but your situation is kind of good. 3.7 gpa is actually good for US dental schools....also, you will find that US schools offer better facilities and programs are somewhat more clinically oriented rather than academics.

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when you expect nothing from life, it becomes easier and easier to get by everyday. I don't know if this will make you feel better, but here's my current situation. I'm currently going to an obscure private school in the states...as a QC born canadian. I have worked my tail off for a 3.7 overall gpa, and currently stand at the end of my fourth year. As my colleagues and professors have been so kind to point out, my gpa is "mediocre" at best for McGill dent (pretty much the only canadian dschool I will apply to). As a canadian, I will also be competing with fellow canadians who were rejected from canadian schools when applying to US schools. Why do I keep studying and working my ass off? It's because I expect no results,and working hard is what I've been taught to do ever since I was a child. If I were destined for failure, then at least I'll know at the end that I put up a good fight.


lol is this "patchjoe"? I remember some similar sounding threads from before..


If you do a search on http://www.predents.com for accepted international students (for the 2009 cycle) by going to "Member Search", setting the Application Status to "Accepted", and changing the state residence to "International", you can see the current stats of international students who have been accepted at US schools.


Based on these stats, with a 3.7 that means you have a very good shot at American schools. I don't know if you have applied for this cycle, but if you are applying next cycle just make sure to get your app in early (ie. end of May, beginning of June at the absolute latest) and you will for sure get interviews. I can say this with certainty because I know of schools that offer interviews based solely on GPA and DAT cutoffs, and these cutoffs are below a 3.7.


Also do as well on the DAT as you can.. the higher you can get, the more you will stand out as American schools place a much greater emphasis on the DAT than Canadian schools (but even in those stats on predents, there are some average DAT scores for international students).

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lol is this "patchjoe"? I remember some similar sounding threads from before..


If you do a search on http://www.predents.com for accepted international students (for the 2009 cycle) by going to "Member Search", setting the Application Status to "Accepted", and changing the state residence to "International", you can see the current stats of international students who have been accepted at US schools.


Based on these stats, with a 3.7 that means you have a very good shot at American schools. I don't know if you have applied for this cycle, but if you are applying next cycle just make sure to get your app in early (ie. end of May, beginning of June at the absolute latest) and you will for sure get interviews. I can say this with certainty because I know of schools that offer interviews based solely on GPA and DAT cutoffs, and these cutoffs are below a 3.7.


Also do as well on the DAT as you can.. the higher you can get, the more you will stand out as American schools place a much greater emphasis on the DAT than Canadian schools (but even in those stats on predents, there are some average DAT scores for international students).


Yeah it's me. I had to change account names after my ex decided it would be appropriate to mess with my account and post personal info about my application on SDN.

I did the search on predents. While a larger pool of applicants may have given me a more reliable image, I must say that it does give me hope to see fellow canucks getting in with gpas below 3.7. Thanks!

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