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Reference letters advice needed


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So I'm thinking ahead a few months and I'm really worried about what to do for my LORs for US schools. Many of them ask for 2 or so reference letters from science profs (is this a requirement for people who have done their undergrad in international schools, or is this for everyone?) and I'm wondering what to do about that.


My undergrad degree was in psychology (US school) and I've recently done 1.5 years of science courses at Guelph. Those 1st year classes here are huge so I haven't gotten to know any of the profs. Actually I did ask my genetics prof to write a letter since I met with her many, many times and got a 97% in her class, but she said no b/c she didn't know me well enough. :confused: Same story with my degree years, only took science courses in 1st year and that was back in 2000 so I doubt anyone remembers me, b/c I sure as hell don't remember them.:P


What am I supposed to do? Are the schools a bit more lenient when it comes to "mature" students or will I need to magically come up with 2-3 letters from science profs? :mad:

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