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DAT prep books

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Hi, guys


I'm selling my DAT prep books

if you are interested, PM me!


- IQ publication Soap carving: $40 --> $20


- IQ publication PAT(TEST form A and B): $25 each --> $15


- IQ publication Nat.Sciences

--> some of questions are marked,

so if you just want to practice some of questions: $30 --> $10


- Used knife and 2 blades: $15


- Exam krackers MCAT Biology (7th edition)

--> Some highlights and written notes: $45.99 --> $25


- Exam krackers MCAT Chemistry (7th edition)

--> Some highlights and written notes: $36.99 --> $15


- Exam krackers MCAT Biology and Chemistry 1001 questions

--> Some highlights and written notes

--> Bio: $40 --> $20/ Chem: $30 --> $15/ selling together: $30


- Campbell Reece Biology Textbook (6th edition): $ 80

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