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DAT Transcript Question...A little confused

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So I applied to U of A back in october, and their date for the receipt of my DAT marks is jan 15. I already wrote the DAT in feb and did pretty well, but was writing it again in nov to try and do better.

When I was selecting schoools to forward my DAT transcript to when registering for the DAT, I didn't pick U of A because I wanted to first see how I would do on the nov test and then send the feb score if that was better. But I just learned that U of A simply looks at your best score.


Here's where the confusion comes in:


I haven't yet received my nov DAT score, and so I wanna send my score now rather than waiting because it'll probably be too late. So I'm on the CDAT website trying to forward my transcript. Two questions that are confusing me are:


How long would it take for the transcript to be received by the school if I request and pay for it today on the website? would it get there before jan 15?


also it states that :

"Note: Online requests for additional transcripts can only be made for one DAT exam at a time. If you would like to request additional transcripts from two or more DAT exams, you will need to make a separate online order/request for each exam."


what does this even mean? the option to identify you is to select the date of writing: is that the date that is sent? I thought they received all scores? or is it just the one that I request?


If someone can help me out today it'd be greatly appreciated



EDIT: just had it processed on the CDA website, so im hoping it'll get there by the 15th!

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