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Med Interview Workshop - Med Student Run

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Hey everyone,


Later this month, the 2011 and 2012 meds classes are putting on a three part lecture series on the topic of medical school interviews. It is run by our two classes and is done as a fundraiser for our annual school musical, Tachycardia. I'm just spreading the word about it, so please check out the facebook page for more details:



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Hey everyone,


Later this month, the 2011 and 2012 meds classes are putting on a three part lecture series on the topic of medical school interviews. It is run by our two classes and is done as a fundraiser for our annual school musical, Tachycardia. I'm just spreading the word about it, so please check out the facebook page for more details:




I went last year. It was pretty useful.

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Will it be new/updated presentations? I attended the lectures last year and found them to be great; I'm just trying to figure out if there is any use in going again this year, or if it is just more of the same.


I know that at least one if not more of us 2012s have been conscripted to give presentations on their interview experiences across different medical schools, so at the very least this year's will offer different perspectives. Dante may be able to give further details on any other notable differences.

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No idea what's new/different. Wasn't there last year, and don't have much to do with it this year... aside from promoting it on these forums... and possibly baking cookies for everyone attending. If you want to know, i'd check the facebook page and ask there.

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Will it be new/updated presentations? I attended the lectures last year and found them to be great; I'm just trying to figure out if there is any use in going again this year, or if it is just more of the same.


Yours truly will be speaking, along with two other 2012's, and there'll be a panel of us answering questions, too. You'll also want to sample some of my homemade cookies, no doubt.

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there may be posters somewhere in the UCC... and the premed society is technically helping promote this... i think... here's a copy/paste of the facebook info:


This is our second year running this event - and we're looking forward to it!

FOR: ANY students with an inkling of interest in health care, particularly those applying to medical school. (You don't have to be a pre-med student!)

Also, ALL YEARS are invited!



Three Lectures:

-Tues, Jan 20 (6:00 - 8:00 pm) : "Healthcare Ethics: Obligations and Roles" with Dr. Jeff Nisker (MD & medical ethicist at Schulich)

-Wed, Jan. 21 (6:00 - 7:30 pm): "The Canadian Health Care System" with Dr Lois Champion and Dr Jeff Granton

-Thurs, Jan 22 (6:00 - 7:30 pm): "Interview Basics: Tips and Pointers to Help you Prepare", with 1st year students at Schulich with varying interview experience and exposure.



-Three incredible lectures from three extremely knowledgeable sources!

-Summary package with tips and extra resources to help you prepare for an interview!

-Snacks at each lecture.

-A feel-good feeling that you're supporting the Tachycardia production, which benefits the AIDS Committee of London.


Price: $20 (includes all 3 nights + snacks)


MED-SCI LOBBY, January 14th- 19th. 10-5pm

UCC 312 (Pre-med office) Mon, Jan 12 and Fri, Jan 16 - 8:30-5:30

UCC 312 (Pre-med office), Jan. 13-15 - 9:30-5:30.

We CANNOT guarantee that tickets will be sold at the door.



Ethics text "Doing Right" by Philippe Herbert, available for $40 (compare to amazon.com for $60 - http://www.amazon.com/Doing-Right-Practical-Trainees-Physicians/dp/0195428412/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231959784&sr=8-1)

Book available at the symposium


Please note: being a member of this group does not guarantee a ticket. But it does keep you informed about changes/updates for the event!

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Would like to take this opportunity to thank Dante and all the gang for holding this workshop.


In specific, I would like to thank the people that were involved in baking those delicious goodies. I enjoyed the treats!!


Thanks! I actually cannot take any credit for this, I was just a lowly messenger to you all. I'm glad that it was enjoyable/helpful/delicious.


Just to let you all know, we do have a limited number of "Doing Right" books still available if you are interested in buying them at the discounted $40 price.

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