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Applying to the US without research experience


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I hope to apply (early) this coming cycle. I am re-re-taking the MCAT, hopefully that works out. Regardless of the outcome of my MCAT, another problem with my application; I have little to no research experience. That is, I have helped out in labs, but never took part in actual 'research'. How will this hurt my chances in the US and Canada?

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Same deal here, I've helped out in labs but no actual research. I think the research heavy schools are just looking for people who want to get involved in med school and beyond. If you've done research before, that's either an indicator that it's something you're passionate about, or that you knew you had to do it to get into med school. While I didn't have any experience, I mentioned that there are certain areas of medicine, maybe not within the traditional test tube sciences that I'm keen on investigating.


I'm not sure what the non-research heavy schools are looking for since none of them seemed to like my application.....but I agree a few months of research will be meaningless compared to a few more months of volunteering.

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I know some of you have applied this year, so in your opinion, what are the US 'research' schools that I should avoid?

also, how does this no research bode for canadian schools?


Uh none?


AECOM is a research intensive school and THX got in. Just because you didn't do research in undergrad that does not mean that you don't like research or you have no chance. For all we know you don't like basic science and you don't have the opportunity to do clinical research. Don't get caught in that kind of thinking. With that said, don't apply to CCLCM since they do require some research experience and probably WUSL. Other than that everything is fair game. Although I would have to say its easier for your application to be more compatible somewhere that may favor primary care over research. Just don't NOT apply to research heavy schools because you don't have the experience.

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I can only speak of my own experience, but my application has fared far better with institutions ranked highly in primary care with less of a focus on research. Sure, AECOM is research intensive but they seem to have a mandate of recruiting students with an interest in international medicine and treating the underserved rather than zeroing in on those with research (and I focused on these strengths during my interview). Obviously, having research won't hurt you at any school, but lacking thereof will hurt you more at some institution than others. It's also a product of how highly ranked schools are, obviously the competition is fiercer with top 20 schools and research is expected if one is to be on par with the other applicants.


I think, in the end, you need to objectively look at your application and see what your strengths and weaknesses are. I knew that I did not have any research, my MCAT was only solid and my GPA was quite good. Therefore, I wrote a socially conscious personal statement and applied to schools that seemed to focus more on the clinical side of things and outside of the top 20. I think anyone without research should do the same unless they have an experience or something in their background that truly separates them from the legions of other premeds.

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so then what schools are generally known as research schools?


I'm guessing many of the highly regarded schools in the US are research intensive. Don't forget, those rankings are based on research.




I would assume that those with a high research rank and a lesser PC rank are research intensive.


Then again, if they are one of the top PC institutions as well, they are PC intensive too..

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