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Pursue Medicine?

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If you score a 35 on your MCAT, apply for Canadian and U.S medical schools.


I was wondering whether I have the marks to get into an American Medical School. I would like to apply for the 2010 cycle. I have a cGPA of 3.65 and a science GPA of 3.65. I will write the MCAT this July and am aiming for a 35. I am in Life Science Honours program. I do not have any research experience but as for my volunteering/EC's it includes the following:


-Deans Honour List all 3 years

-Entrance Scholarship (approx. $3000)

-Mill Schorlorship (1st year- $1500, 2nd year- $1300, 3rd year- $3000)

-Escort/Front Desk at Hospital (approx. 50 hours)

-Volunteer at Psyc Hospital as tutor and drama instructor (approx. 50 hours)

-Camp Counsellor (worked with autistic child for a summer)

-In a university group that has fundraisers to provide meals to the homeless

-Intermeural teams: Basketball and Ultimate Freeze Bee

-Continual canvising for Canadian Spinal Research Organization, Heart and Stroke, and Canadian Cancer Society

-TA for Anatomy and Cell Biology

-Volunteer at Hindu Temple (500+ hours)

-First Aid Level C certificate

-Volunteered at a Dentist

-Manager at a Sandwich Shop since Gr. 11.


How does it look? Bother applying to med in the US or a Masters in Canada?


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